DIY Hair Tonic To Restore Scalp PH

Tonics make the hair look glossier, which is viewed by many people as a sign of healthy hair. They help hold the hair in place, making it easier to style. Other benefits include moisturizing dry hair, lubricating a dry scalp, reducing split ends and broken hair, and helping to control dandruff.(Source: 

One of thr hair tonics I've created helps with my scalp. To restore the PH of your scalp, all you need are :
  • Fresh aloe vera gel or juice. I use the Lily of the desert aloe gel brand.

  • Rose water

  • Jamaican black castor oil or emu oil or jojoba oil 

1. Mix all these in a spray bottle and refrigerate it. When it's  a bit cold,  it has a soothing effect too on the scalp. Use the spritz nights for about a week. If you've had a fresh braid or relaxer, this will soothe your scalp.
2. When you take down your extensions, you can also use the tonic 


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