When Your Products Fail, What Can You Do?

Many of us purchase items hoping to get the best out of them. However, it doesn't turn out right always.

Let me commence with failed shampoos. If you're like me who lives on a budget all the time, then, having to throw away a shampoo that is relatively cheap or expensive is a big NO! But I find ways to enjoy some benefit.
*Give it to one of my sisters. It may work for them.
*Pre poo hair properly- this helps to condition the hair such that if the shampoo is too stripping, the hair is protected.
*If the shampoo isn't able to clean well, I use a lot! I get to benefit from it and speeds up the emptying process.
*Doesn't smell good? Use an after shampoo product with a great smell.
Rinse out regular conditioners:
*Pre poo with it. That way you can enjoy some benefit.
*Use a lot at a go! works to add moisture and get rid of it quickly.
*Mix it with other conditioners.
*Swap or give it to someone.
How about deep conditioner?
*Add oils to it- to improve its effectiveness.
*Heat it up; this has been proven to increase effectiveness and absorption rate!
*Add warm water to a deep conditioner that is too thick for you. Makes it easier to apply, get absorbed.
* Co-wash with it; some dcs work better this way.
* Last resort, swap or give it away!
Oils, moisturizers and leave ins:
*Use up the oils by pre pooing with it.
*If it's the mineral oil or petroleum issue, use a sulfate shampoo. That will clean the hair well.
* Use petroleum based oils on your soles and feet. Eg Vaseline softens and prevents cracks on the soles.
* Tingles too much? Add ordinary oils till it Tingles no more! I have given all my tingling oils out! I remembered  this technique recently.


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