10 tips when shopping for new deep conditioners

It's always a good feeling when you spot  new deep conditioners and are eager to lay your hands on it. I usually find myself in that situation and so, today, I'm sharing some tips that have helped me when shopping for new deep conditioners.

10 shopping tips for new deep conditioners

1. Read first 10 ingredients to be sure you are getting what you want.

2. Smell it

3. Buy small bottles so you don't waste money if your hair doesn't like that.

4. Have a backup plan so that if the product fails, you can grab your trusted one.

5. Read instructions

6. Read reviews

7. Know the brand

8. Check for availability

9. Check packaging

10. Cheap isn't always costly. Expensive isn't always effective


  1. Patricia Aikins-Gaisie3:55 pm

    wow, i never knew this, thank you Ghanaianemprezz for this information

  2. Lawrencia9:56 am

    love points 3 and 10...sooo true


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