How To Manage Your New Growth

To successfully stretch your relaxer, one of the major hurdles to overcome is keeping the new growth soft and manageable.

To prevent dryness, focus the deep conditioner on the new growth during your wash. This is the time to include protein based deep conditioning treatments in your journey. Using protein helps to strengthen the hair and the line of demarcation too. Don't use protein products too often, once a month is OK.

Another technique is to moisturize the line of demarcation as often as possible to prevent breakage. The new growth will be thicker than the relaxed parts hence the point where they meet (demarcation point) too is very fragile and can break off easily. Moisturising with a focus on that part stops dryness. This is the time to use your hair mist before the moisturizer. In addition, using heavy butters to seal also help if the weather is dry. 

Lastly, be very gentle when styling your hair to limit stressing the hair as well as causing breakage. Know when to end your stretch so it doesn't become counterproductive. 


  1. At this time, if you can use good medicinal materials and ingredients to strengthen hormones,ru58841 hair regrowth will be able to retain your youth and enjoy masculine power.


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