The most important thing for our hair, aside moisture, is a hair regimen. This is an outline of all treatments you plan on giving your hair at preferred intervals. In creating a regimen there are a number of steps one must take to ensure that your hair benefits from it • Be BASIC A hair regimen needs to be as simple as you'd let it. If you're a beginner, it is advisable to be as basic as possible in your treatments, in order for your hair to adjust to the routine. Most of us know the basics- wash, (deep) condition, moisturise, seal and protect . As time goes on you should be able to adjust your regimen, including treatments like the pre poo, Co washing, etc. Starting from the basics is a great way to begin your journey. • Be Consistent A regimen can't be a regimen without consistency . You need to schedule days and time to all treatments in your regimen and stick to those days and times. Crosscheck your calendar. Find a day where you can include your hair treatments (not ...