Similar to hair care, we won't all love the same skin care product nor would our skin react to the ingredients the same way. Just as there a variety of hair textures, the various skin textures and types do matter when it comes to how a product or ingredients will fare with your skin. Take retinol for example. The first thing most people think about is the peeling effect. However, you'll be amazed to know that others will equally not have that effect! With my own experience with The Ordinary vitamin c 23%suspension +HA Spheres, I've come to the realisation that jumping on bandwagons within the beauty community is comparable to the hair community . Whereas some hate the vitamin c suspension serum, my skin had no qualms when applied. On the other hand, my skin might or may not fare so well the BHA peeling solution because I am yet to use it. You won't know until you try it. Usually, one ingredient or a few might ...
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