Shedding is a major concern for everyone. Getting the length you desire can be a daunting task and to lose the length you've worked to achieve is equally too painful to bear. What I've noticed is people fail to understand the link between your general health and the health of your hair. What you put into your body affects your whole body, including your hair! Shedding doesn't happen overnight - your hair will give you signs that something is wrong; we don't pay attention until it gets worse! 1. Postpartum shedding: I get this complains a lot and get surprised that though ladies are aware of how having a baby affects your hair, it seems reading about it isn't part of the solution we want. The first thing I urge people to do is to Google their problems. When you have a fair idea of what you are experiencing, you are able to either decide on taking the medical route or self - care route. There are situations that merit a visit to the Doctor's office and if you do...
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