Porosity is your hair's ability to absorb moisture and is broken down into three categories:low, medium and high. 1 – THE STRAND TEST Gently stretch a tiny section of curl strands from different areas of your head – front hairline, nape, crown and temple. Place the stretched curl between your thumb and finger and slide it up the hair strand from the tip towards the scalp. If your fingers move easily up the strand and it feels dense and hard, you have low porosity hair. If it feels smooth, you have normal porosity hair. And if the strand feels rough or dry or it breaks, you have high porosity hair. #2 – THE SHEDDING HAIR TEST Another way to check your hair porosity is to drop hair that’s been shed as a result of combing into a glass of water. If it floats, your hair is low porosity. If your hair sinks slowly, it has normal porosity, and if it sinks immediately, your hair is high porosity. #3 – THE H20 TEST To determine your hair porosity level using water, spritz a small se...
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