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Showing posts from October, 2017

Do You Oil Your Scalp?

Oiling your scalp is quite a controversial topic within the hair world for the reason that some advocate that you do so to help prevent dry scalp whilst others are of the view that your sebum is enough to hydrate your scalp. The question is how much sebum do you have? Is it enough? The main concern with oiling your scalp has to do with clogging the pores with thick oils that prevent your scalp from receiving the nourishment it needs as well as adding to the sebum you have. In some cases, I've found my sebum production to be low and as such oiling the scalp was a good way of ensuring no dryness. On the other hand, when I go overboard with the application of the oil, I experience itchy scalp. When you oil your scalp, it doesn't need to be a daily routine if your scalp doesn't like it. Itchy scalp means you need to cleanse it and applying oils to the scalp might require regular cleansing. There are people with scalp conditions that can only be soothed with oiling the sca...

How To Use Protective Styles To Grow Longer Hair

In as much as we all want to grow long hair,  we also fail to see that it's not everything that yields positive results and this applies to using protective styles to grow longer hair. We call some styles protective styles because our ends are protected from the elements and also from damage as a result of manipulation. Weaves,  buns and braids are the most common protective styles. In order to reap the benefits of protective styles to grow your hair long,  use the following tips. **Moisturize your hair underneath your hair style.  Use a braid spray or your own spritz to keep the hair from drying out. **Clean your scalp regularly to remove dirt which blocks the pores on the scalp.  Use light oils on the scalp I order not to clog it. **Don't keep the style in for too long. Now,  what is "long"? That's up to you. Some clean their scalp and wash their braid or weaves regularly hence they are able to go up to 3 months.  You know your hair and wha...

Why Your Natural Hair Is Brown In Colour

I'm not referring to this with naturally brown hair : I'm talking about those who complain that their hair isn't as black as mine (even relaxed hair needs not to be brown). 1. The first reason is dry hair.  When your hair lacks moisture,  you'll experience dry and brittle hair and the sun light worsens the situation hence you get that brownish tint. What you need to do to remedy the situation is infuse moisture into the hair in form of deep conditioning and green house effect. In a matter of weeks, you'll notice a difference. 2. Not protecting your ends can cause that brownish colour therefore try to keep your ends tucked away especially during harmattan. 3. Relaxing your hair too often or back to back like we used to causes over processed hair which is the brownish colour you see.  When you begin spacing the relaxer application,  you'll notice that your old hair will only be the damaged parts. Apply the relaxer to only the new growth else if you do it a...

Braids Don't Grow Hair

I got the box braids installed to give myself a break from daily manipulation during harmattan. When it comes to braids and length retention, the thoughts of a majority of women is braids grow hair faster and hence their dependence on it. This view is influenced by the result you see after taking down your braids.  Because the hair is protected from natural elements like the sun, you tend to experience less dryness if you've been moisturizing probably once in a while.  Also, no manipulation means you don't loose hair nor experience breakage which translates into length retention. That's the reason why you may think braids grow hair but they don't affect the scalp in any way to facilitate growth.

How To Grow Long Hair

Ladies who are new on the healthy hair journey have requested for a post on how to grow long hair.  If your resolution is to grow your relaxed hair or natural hair long, here are a few tips for you. 1. Get a shampoo: cleaning your scalp and hair as a first step eliminates dirt from the scalp and hair. It also means you'll be able to use your other products effectively. 2. Conditioner: infusing moisture back into the hair after a shampoo is essential in maintaining soft hair as well as preventing breakage. After shampoo, follow up with the conditioner for softer and manageable hair. (visit our instragram page @ Emprezzglamhub  )  3. Deep conditioner helps to provide the hair with nutrients that nourish the strands, strengthen it and also prevent damage and breakage. This treatment should be done at least once a month after shampoo. You can alternate that with the regular conditioner weekly too.  (visit our instragram page @ Emprezzglamhub   )  4. Leave in conditioner ...