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Showing posts with the label Facial care

How I Use The Ordinary vitamin c suspension 23%

The Ordinary vitamin C 23%suspension +HA Spheres is one of the popular products from The Ordinary. It is also notoriously unpopular for the reason that it's gritty texture makes application cumbersome and irritating to the skin too, especially, sensitive skin. I've found different ways to work with thos serum so catch all the full gist in this video  Here

Beauty Formulas Age defying day cream and Age control Night Cream

The last time I did an intensive facial cleansing was about a month ago. After that,  I haven't used a scrub so why didn't I get breakouts like I do when I don't use scrub? I believe scrubs unclog blocked pores but if the pored aren't blocked in the first place,  then,  there won't be any unclogging. What's the secret?  The new facial moisturizers I use. I use the Beauty Formulas Age defying day cream and age control night cream. I've been consistent in using just these two on face and those who also purchased it, love it. My face has remained smooth and acne free even without scrubbing so imagine the joy I have. I'll be using scrub every now and then as a maintenance routine. The day cream is lighter and smells great too.  I focus is on the eye area and the  eyes have  felt and looked more moisturized.  Even though I still plan on getting an eye cream and vitamin C facial serums,  this cream is filling that gab quite well. T...

How To Do A Clay Mask Facial Treatment

Clay masks help to detox your skin and using them about twice a month can be of immense benefit to your face and skin too. Here's I do my clay mask treatment: 1. Facial cleansing: I use forever Claire hydrating wash( I think I'll switch to the acne wash at the next purchase). 2. Facial scrub: I use either brown sugar tea tree facial scrub or the Queen Helene oat and honey scrub. I use these about four times a week alternating between them. 3. Mix the clay with water or use the Queen Helene mud mask. I allow to sit for about 5-10 minutes and rinse off. If I use the Teiva mask, I leave it for 15 minutes as directed.

Skin Care: How To Use Face Clay Mask

If your facial routine doesn't include a Clay mask,  you'll be surely missing out on a good cleansing system.  For this with acne or acne prone skin, a clay mask is better than a peel off mask. Peel off mask can irritate your break out and cause more irritation. Clay mask is great for detoxifying the skin which removes impurities and clear the pores. The advantage of using clay is the natural cleansing abilities. You don't risk destroying your skin  and also not exposing it to chemicals as it is with some commercial skin care products. The freeman mask is a favourite and easy to use. 1. Cleanse your skin with a hydrating wash . 2. Apply the clay mask per the directions on the pack. You'd usually be asked to leave on for 15 minutes before rinsing off with water  3. Follow with your facial toner or your facial serum and then your moisturiser as well as sunscreen if you use it in the morning. It's recommended to use clay mask about 2 times a week at most.

5 Tips When Washing Your Face

Use a clean towel/Tissue  to remove make up and also clean excess water. Disposable wipes are also a good option when removing make up. Don't forget to clean the eye area too. Use cleansing milk or Micellar water after your make up wipe to take off left over make up.  Cleansing and scrubbing go hand in hand. After washing the face, a scrub does a better job of removing dirt stuck in the pores than just the cleanser. These two will contribute to a healthier skin.  Get a good moisturizer to restore moisture just as you do for your hair. It's advisable to apply a moisturizer as soon as possible prevent dryness. Moisturizing face is like the hair; moisture has to be retained at all levels of cleansing. Use products appropriate for your skin type. This is related to the third point.Find skin care products that will work for you. Be mindful of DIY products so you don't exacerbate your skin issues.  Facial Serums come before moisturizer so you can incorporate vitamin C seru...

How I Use Forever Clair Exfoliating Toner

This isn't a review but a short note on how I use the FC exfoliating toner in my facial regimen. Cleanse the face with a cleanser or a wash Use facial scrub  Rinse with water at normal temperature Pour exfoliating toner in a small towel and use it to clean the face. I make sure I do the cleaning in sections starting from the right cheek and ending at the chin.  I allow the toner to dry on the skin before applying serum or facial moisturizer.  I use the toner twice a day; morning and evening.  So far, this toner is the only one I use but I have plans of getting alcohol free toners as well as cleansing water. 

Baking Soda Honey Mask

The baking soda honey mask was a recipe a friend shared when I noticed her skin was smoother and clearer. I simply had to  try it and at the end of the day,  I didn't regret it all! I'm also glad it's part of May Skin care goals. Simply mix a tablespoon of honey and a teaspoon of baking soda. I added some aloe vera gel too. It feels like a facial scrub when using the mix so I guess that's a double benefit there. I applied the mix on dry skin but wet skin is probably better. I scrubbed the face gently and rinsed with cold water. I followed your  with  a lotion moisturizer which I use when  I want to wear make up. I use oils at night  time instead. My face felt  smooth  and soft after rinsing. I have three more treatments with this mask and I can't wait to do them!

Removing Make Up With Oil

I don't have a make up remover because I wasn't keen on one until I began wearing make up daily. Now,  before I pick up one,  I still need to improvise so I use opted for removing make up with oil. How does that work? I pour the oil on a cotton shirt or micro fibre towel and use it to clean the face. The oil sticks to the make up thereby removing it from the face. Just as oil and water do not mix, the oil on the face doesn't cake there Lol. I follow up with my homemade facial scrub,  witch hazel and acne  treatment. My facial scrub is a homemade one too until I find time to go to the drugstore to pick up one of my favourite scrubs. As we celebrate the season of resurrection, let's remember to remove our make up before retiring to bed. Don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube -

What Is Facial Cleansing?

Just as we shampoo our hair to remove dirt, facial cleansing is to remove dirt, dead skin and excess oil that can block the pores. There are differing views on the most effective method of cleaning. Some advocate in the mornings because the skin sheds the dead cells during the night so morning cleansing is best. Others are of the view that make ups and stuff need to be cleaned in the night before bed so it'd better to cleanse at that time. Personally, I advocate for both. If you wear make up,  then,  you can use a make up remover and then use a facial cleanser.  I leave out the facial scrubbing for the morning. I simply wet the face in the morning and apply a Scrub. I get to enjoy a fresh face both night and day. What to use for Facial cleansing?  We have  facial soaps and face washes. The difference is that the wash is more milder. I,  now,  use African Black Soap as my facial cleanser and it's doing just well. I love the FC facial washes too. Just like hair products, you have...

African Black Soap in Facial Care

A few years ago,  I decided to jump on the African black soap in Facial care bandwagon. Alata samina, as we call it,  is raved as a great cleanser. Well, I tried to use the African black soap at that time thinking I was going to achieve the same results too but it failed. I mean I got some serious breakout so I concluded it wasn't for me. Now,  I'm back to using alata samina and the difference this time is that I have a regimen. I didn't have a regimen back then so I was obviously going about the whole process wrongly. Currently, that's the only thing I use as a cleanser before using a facial scrub. I use it about twice a day if I wear make up. The interesting part is that my face doesn't feel so dry after use! Do you use African black soap in your facial care regimen?

How To Make Forever Clair Products Work For You

After sharing my own techniques fr using forever Clair Products , I realized I hadn't touched on other reasons why the FC products may not be working for you. 1. Use the whole range. This is the first  lesson I learnt a couple of years ago. When  I bought the entire blemish control line, there were weeks I skipped the face cream and rather used a different cream.  What I noticed immediately was rough skin. Just 7 days were enough to setback from achieving the flawless skin I was working hard at.  By using a different cream,  I'd broken the chain of reaction. This principle also accounts for why your hair  gel might flake when you use it with a product from another line. Specifically, each line would have similar ingredients in order to work thus to change one product or substitute another would render your efforts ineffective. 2.  Use the product as directed.  There's an order of use with every product line which will ensure effectiveness. If you choose to neglect the ins...

Morning At Home Facial Care

As requested, here's a few tips about how my morning at home facial care and how I get my glowing skin before work time( which for me is 8am- baby J is up and about by then Lol). I have the demo video below for you to answer all the questions I've received. Too much talking won't show what I do Lol. Get a facial scrub A face towel A face wash or cleanser- liquid or soap A face cream or moisturizer Your bathing sponge ( or soft sponge) Here's the video showing how in use these items. [Youtube=]

Nuage Skin Facial Scrub Review

The Nuage Skin Facial Scrub hasn't disappointed me at all. I bought it some weeks ago when I revamped my facial care and have been consistently using it in my routine. I talk about how I use it, its effectiveness and where to purchase one. Nuage Skin Facial Scrub Review: [YouTube=]