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Showing posts from April, 2021

How To: Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse

I want to share six ways you can use apple cider vinegar in your hair journey. Most of us know the components/ingredients so we will skip that.  1. Pre shampoo rinse: Dilute one one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with half cup of water. You should, however, consider the length of your hair in deciding on the quantity.  2. Post shampoo rinse : When you are done with your wash, you can use the diluted acv as a final rinse to close the cuticles.  3. Scalp rinse : Some also focus the rinse on their scalp than the hair. What you can do is to apply with applicator bottle.  4. Post relaxer rinse: Again, acv can be used after washing out your relaxer. It should be the final step. Leave for a couple of minutes and rinse out.  5. Braids scalp maintenance: Dilute the acv, use a cotton to apply and rub your scalp to remove dirt.  6. Together with Ayurvedic herbs: ACV can be used in your henna treatment to facilitate dye release. It can be added to clay treatment too t...

5 Tips For Short Natural Hair

For the naturals that choose to big chop, it's easy to get overly excited about your mew hair journey. However, there are some pitfalls to avoid. 1. Don't expect t curls if your hair isn't naturally curly. I can't count the number of times naturals request for curling creams to makentheur hair curly as if these creams contain magical ingredients to create such a result. Type 3 hair naturally has curls and using a curl cream enhances those curls. For type 4,especially, 4B and 4C, you will be setting up yourself for failure and disappointment! Instead of curl creams, invest in deep conditioners. Even as short as your hair is, right from the onset, regular deep conditioning means that as your hair grows, it will stay more hydrated. 2. With short natural hair, there's not much you can do in terms of styling. That also means you tend to comb daily. This may cause breakage if the hair isn't moisturised first. In addition, there is no need to reapply butters or oils of...

Complex Natural Hair Wash Routines

Let's tackle washing natural hair and some key steps to take. [1] Prepoo: Pre shampoo treatment is not limited to just coconut oil. You can use aloe vera or mixture of both to prepoo your hair. You may also choose store bought ones like the African pride pre-shampoo. [2] shampoo: After the pre-shampoo treatment, section or part the hair into about 6 and twisted up. This allows you to move to the cleansing step, using a shampoo, with minimum tangles and knots. You may shampoo more than once depending on how dirty the hair is. You may use a detangling shampoo at this step to take out shed hair as well as knots and tangles.  [3] Conditioner: You then use a conditioner after rinsing off the shampoo. Other naturals detangle their hair at this point using the running water from the shower as they rinse out the conditioner.  [4] The leave in conditioner: Next comes the leave in conditioner. St this stage, you may use a detangling leave in to untangle and remove shed hair. Keep in mind to ...

Relaxer Stretch - Ceramide Oil

Once you decide on how long you want to stretch your relaxer, you need to really plan your weekly routine in order to minimize tangles, knots and of course, dryness and breakage at the point of demarcation. One essential addition to my hair oils is Hemp oil. Hemp oil is a ceramide oil - Ceramides are lipids (oil) that naturally occur in the strand. Their main purpose is to act like the glue that helps the cuticle layer lay flat and remain intact. Although ceramides occur naturally in the healthy strand, we impact normal levels when we undergo a chemical process, use excessive heat or even by the simple act of combing or washing the hair. Another product with ceramide oils is the Mielle Rosemary mint scalp and hair strengthening oil. To support and repair the hair, I decided to switch to ceramide oil and then some other ceramide based products. These are products such as conditioners, leave in conditioners, deep conditioners etc that contain ceramide oils like safflower oil, wheat ger...

Relaxer Day Steps

The longer your hair gets, the more you ought to protect the older parts because they tend to thin out so easily and break off more. The first step is fortifying the hair. Fortunately, new technology has allowed us to have a mirad of choices especially for bond menders. Olaplex No. 0 or No. 3 and Creme of Nature have great bond menders can be applied along with your Vaseline to buffer the hair against relaxer run off. Secondly, the relaxer application itself can make or break your effort. I've had several complaints about thin hair and for the most part, it has to do with the hair dresser using fine tooth comb to pass the relaxer through the hair. This moment is extremely crucial if you want thicker relaxed hair. Know your hair texture before you allow them to use that comb. Personally, when they pass the relaxer through the hair and comb through, I make them rinse off immediately. I DON'T sit and wait again for the cream to process. My hair becomes straight enough! If with all...