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Showing posts with the label Hair Length

How To Retain Length In 12 Weeks

This is going to be a simple breakdown of 5 things you can do each week to retain length. Tip 1  Aim for a low manipulation style. I'm not all about extentions and low term protective styles if your hair is past shoulder length. It allows to you deal with your hair at least once week to give it better treatment. For naturals, you may not need to wash weekly but bi monthly wash will do your hair more good.  Tip 2  Consider hair mists to keep the exposed parts of your hair moisturized. When I wear buns, the exposed hair gets drier whilst the rest of the hair stays soft. Using a hair mist will compensate for the moisture loss.  Tip 3 Deep condition your hair. You can do the double step - protein deep conditioning, followed by moisture deep conditioning.  Tip 4 Pay attention to the ends. Prwbent breakage at the ends of the hair. This part is fragile for the reason that it's the oldest part of the hair hence has experienced more expo...

Mane Choice, Hairfinity and Mielle Organics vitamins Ingredients Comparison.

[caption width="279" align="alignnone"] [/caption] Since the vitamins we have are competing against each other,  why not show you a breakdown of the ingredients of each one to help you make a decision when buying them.  What differences do you notice? 

Hair Vitamins Won't Give You Healthy Hair

Lately,  hair vitamins have become a go-to  for ladies on a healthy hair journey with the assumption that  these vitamins will give them the healthy hair they want. Let me bust your bubble and point it out that  taking mane choice,  hairfinity, nature's bounty or whatever vitamins won't give you healthy hair. What will give you a healthy hair is a proper hair routine/regimen as well as shampoo,  conditioner,  leave in and oils. These hair vitamins only aim at increasing hair growth; what's the use of getting growth only for the hair to break off due to improper hair care habits. The same thing applies to using Jamaican Black Castor Oil In the hopes that your hair will be healthy overnight. These oils won't work if all you do is continue treating your hair in the old ways. Get a hair regimen and use the  hair vitamins to supplement your efforts. I don't depend on theses growth  aids to get strong and healthy hair; I use hair products and techn...

What's A Healthy Hair Journey?

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="199"] top knot bunMy meditation these days about hair have changed drastically from yearning for what others have to getting what  I want.[/caption] Until somewhere June 2011, I had no idea that ladies had taken matters into their own hands to grow healthy hair. A Healthy Hair journey is all about keeping your hair healthy. So why is length such  a big deal? It's because healthy hair can give you the retention of growth and ultimately translating into length. My  journey is such  a difficult one to comprehend. But my last big chop hasn't necessarily set me back. If anything  at all,  it's helped me achieve what I wanted which is healthy hair.. The dyed hair is gone and I'm good. The mantra that most people recite is health over length and it's rightly so. The desire for healthy hair is so strong that I don't mind the big chops. They gratify a desire for health. That said,  I don't want t...

Dos and Don'ts of Natural Hair in Ghana

When naturals in Ghana ask me what to do or not do with their hair, I tend to smile because it means starting from the basic Regimen and sharing some dos and don'ts of natural hair in Ghana. ** Make sure your hair is at least damp before combing. Be sure to ditch the small tooth comb and use a wide tooth comb. ** Use a moisturizer as often as you need to and find ways to retain moisture. Our weather is usually dry for the most part of the year so look into moisture retention if you want to gain length. My new technique is to moisturize 3 times a day if necessary and deep condition twice a week if needed. ** Limit the use of shampoos. At least a weekly use is enough. As a natural, you can go without a shampoo for weeks if you have been using natural oils. **Find a good sealant. Many of the so-called natural oils may not be enough to seal YOUR Hair. Some hair do well with grease eg Vaseline and Dax. So don't worry yourself with Natural oils all the time. One caution will be to cl...

6 Ways To Overcome Hair Setbacks

As the queen of experiments about 3 years ago, there isn't a setback I haven't experienced and not recovered from and that's why I'm sharing with you 6 ways to overcome hair setbacks. Though I'm not at my goal length, I've had enough setbacks to keep me on track and that has been the case since 2014. I hit full shoulder length in December 2014 after my big chop in January 2014.  after cutting my hair as a result of a henna mishap , colour treatment, protein and others, here are the strategies I employed and still employ when I suffer any setback . 1. Accept that you caused the setback. Whether a stylist trimmed too much hair or gave you a bad braid, you are responsible. Why didn't you complain during the process? Why didn't you get up and leave? If it's your hair breaking, what did you fail to do? 2. Trust that you can and will recover from the setback. No matter how bad the problem, there is always a solution. Believe in your ability to bring your...

Do You "Volume Check" or "Length Check"

The latest trend in the natural hair community is having huge hair be it huge twist out, puff or wash n go. Along comes length checks using your volume and thickness instead of the usual body part measurement and tapes which I personally find to be inaccurate. Igbo curls recently shared a picture of her hair using the volume/thickness rule and I must say that it's a creative way of sharing your progress. Photo source: instagram. I prefer the volume - thickness measurements. What do you think?