If you are on the mission to use local products on your natural hair, then, take a look at these oils for natural hair . 1. Palm kernel oil: I was excited when I learnt about the wonders this oil can do for our strands. But as Ghanaians as we are, we disregard it😩😩😩. I know and understand how the smell can be a put off yet why not find a way to solve that? Well, I have chanced upon a vendor who has done that. Check out Wenaturals on Facebook and grab a bottle of palm kernel oil for your prepoo, hot oil treatment, sealing and also scalp oiling. 2. Palm Oil: OK, so, I haven't yet done my palm oil treatment as I had planned and that's because I've been tucking my hair away too much! That's even the reason why my products stay for 2-3 years in my stash; terrible, I know. This oil is so easy to find in our markets, something our sisters abroad will envy us for but we don't value it. Don't worry, I'll be running 4 days of palm o...