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Showing posts with the label Harmattan

My Moisturizing and Sealing Routine for Harmattan (2017)

It's just fair that this dry weather is met with serious moisturizing and sealing routine.  Moisturizing has to do with using a water based product and sealing is done with oils or butters. I follow the liquid, cream, oil routine (L.C.O) as I find that to be a better option during this harmattan weather. To effectively moisturize your hair, you definitely need to apply moisture first. Using oil first is like wearing your trousers before your underwear. You block out any moisture loss when you seal with oil that us why you need the water first before sealing.  For each month of 2017, my moisturizing and sealing will be planned for the month for effective routine. For January, I planned my hair routine ahead of time to reduce the amount of time spent on organizing my thoughts Lol. Spray the hair with rose water  Apply a bit of Mielle organics avocado hair milk Seal with my oil mix.   I do this at night because my morning schedule is whack! I try to sleep w...

Ways To Protect Your Hair This Harmattan Without Protective Styles

If you are like me and don't see harmattan as the time to wear wigs and weaves nor braids  then,  you have to develop a regimen that can provide you with moisture and fortify your hair against the  harsh winds and weather.  The first thing I recommend is decide on how you'll protect your ends from the harsh  weather. You can wear buns or roll and tuck in styles. You can also do halo braids with or ponytail with extensions to keep the ends from breakage.  You should also increase the moisture routines such as deep conditioning twice a week and sealing the hair with butters. Another way to protect your hair without weaves and wigs is to do green house effect or baggying about thrice a month.  My intention is to stop braiding when I can pull the hair into a good pony so if that  happens by December, then,  I definitely be weave and wig free for the harmattan like I used to do. 

How To Prepare Your Hair For Harmattan

I have a post on the best protective styles for harmattan and 3 tips for harmattan. In today's post, I rather want to focus on how to prepare your hair for harmattan so you won't have any need to stress over your hair. These tips are what I also intend to do though some are applicable to those with longer hair than mine.  Baggying your ends at leat three times a week will provide the ends with moisture. My hair isn't long so I rather fold the ends into the pony to protect it. By December, I'll be using the baggying method too. You can also use green house effect to provide moisture for your hair. The  September 2016 challenge is green house effect so join it. I'll be wearing  cornrows beneath my wigs but will still make use of Green  House Effect for optimum moisture.  Get your moisturizing and sealing game on right  now ! I've discovered the Cantu sheabutter gel oil as a very moisturizing oil for my hair so I won't be dependent on the Cantu sheab...

Dos and Don'ts For Relaxed Hair In Ghana

There's a general post already about relaxed hair dos and Don'ts but it's been requested that  I do dos and don'ts of relaxed hair specific to Ghana, especially,  with the kinds of stylist we have. Dos 1.  Take your own neutralizing shampoo, protein deep conditioner and leave in. If you have apple cider vinegar, add it as well as roux porosity control. Some stylists don't have anything. 2. Keep an eye on the comb used to spread the relaxer. Some stylist will scratch your scalp with it. 3. Be sure the stylist isn't too busy when applying relaxer ; she might leave it on for too long. 4. Do base your scalp if possible before going to the salon.  5. Also,  in case you want to do your prepoo or hot oil treatment, do it yourself before going. You may be surprised to know that some stylist will dissuade you from doing these treatments with the claim that they will damage your hair when they are the reason our hair isn’t thriving.  6. Guide the stylist to...