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Showing posts from February, 2024

Are Your Ends Thin Despite Trimming?

 When it comes to length retention, it’s easy to determine what to do but the one unpredictable factor is thin ends. Apart from infrequent trims, there are other things that may cause your ends to be thin or your hair to thin out.  1) Lifestyle: stress can impact on the length of your hair, from poor diet to sickness. Once the body is deprived of the nutrients it needs, your hair will suffer too.  2) Incomplete trims: When there are damaged ends, you may need to cut above the damage. The mistake we make is cutting the hair right at the point of damage which may leave some remnants. 3) Incorrect use of products: 4) Bad hair styling  5) Environmental factors: I’ve mentioned before that where you live should determine your regimen. 

Try Washing Your Hair In Twists

How do you wash in twists to prevent tangles? Washing in twist is not the preserved of natural hair ladies; if you have relaxed hair, this technique will save you from wash day stress and mishaps.  Here are a few things you can do: ... Section the dry hair first not when it's wet .... Create big twists not small ones ... Wash one twist at a time. Don't saturate the whole head at once. ..keep the twist in even when you condition. Take them out one at a time to rinse. ... Keep the technique until you are done moisturizing and sealing. After that, you can unravel and style it or leave the hair to dry in the twists. 

Sew-In/Weave On Tips For You

 It's good when you know how to use protective styles like weave ons and Sew-In to make your hair grow healthily and also retain length.  Here are a few things you can implement in your routine when you get the weave installed. 

Hair Care Abroad

 When you've relocated to a cold climate, you need to pay attention a routine that will protect your hair during the cold season.  There are a lot of youtube videos on caring for your hair in winter with videos made by African Americans and  Africans but sometimes, people neglect a crucial demographic profile - Caucasian hair care videos. These will be of extreme benefits so don't disregard them at all. I learn a lot from these ladies and their routines aren't so different from what we do. Remember, they also have hair journey stories.  In addition, the friends you make at church will also be a good source of information about salons and charges. Aside going online to check reviews, church is a great place to see interesting hair styles hence you'll get much more information there.  Lastly, be quick to read labels at stores. You may not find any familiar brand yet you'll get equally amazing brands. Reading labels and checking Google reviews will create the opportuni

Don't Do this If You Want Thick Hair

 Thick and luscious hair is everyone’s goal when it comes with hair care. However, this dream can be a daunting task to fulfil for several reasons. 1] Not trimming on time: I’ve always advised that trimming should be done but the emphasis now is on the timing. Don’t wait until your ends are terrible before you take steps to cut them off. Have a trimming schedule to maintain healthy ends. 2] Not knowing your hair texture, especially for relaxed hair before purchasing a relaxer.  3] Not using heat serum before blow drying or straightening your hair  4] Buying products without reading reviews about it.  5] Using small tooth comb daily in your hair

Moisture Retention Struggles

 Length retention isn’t possible if your hair keeps breaking off and getting dry all the time hence the need to have a solid moisture routine or regimen.  Here are few things you can modify in your regimen.  Placing emphasis on moisture is key to preventing dryness and breakage so how do we go about it without damaging our hair? The first point of moisture is your shampoo and conditioner steps. As soon as you wash your shampoo, be sure to apply your conditioner to infuse moisture into the hair again. This also applies to your deep conditioners.  Next is your leave in conditioner or moisturizer. These are  also crucial in moisture retention. However, there is a step that we often overlook.  This has to do with protecting our hair at night by using bonnets. This is simple yet one of the most effective methods in preventing struggling with moisture.  When you hair is not rubbing against the cotton of your pillow or pillow case, it's easier to retain the moisture overnight. In as much

Corrective Relaxer Dos and Donts

 Corrective Relaxer is done when you have under processed relaxed hair. It's advised you wait 6 weeks before getting a corrective relaxer done. This is to allow more new growth for the process. What are some of the things you can do to make the corrective relaxer application successful? 1) Prepare your hair like you would for normal relaxer: Protein treatment being key. 2)If the strength of the relaxer was the cause, switch to a stronger one. If the time or duration the relaxer was left on was too short, you can extend it. 3) Be sure to follow the relaxer application steps but start with the new growth, work on it and then move to the under processed parts as the last step. Hope these tips are helpful.