Ladies who have decided to embark on a healthy hair journey find it quite puzzling deciphering all the products that are needed to care for relaxed hair and natural hair. Sometimes, it's difficult directing them to where to find these products too. To have a successful hair journey, you can't be an Island, you need to connect with other ladies to gain more knowledge from their own experiences. You also have the opportunity to see what they use, how they use their products and even get to know about new product lines. The crucial part of being on a healthy hair journey is the regimen and if your regimen doesn't yield the results you want, you can be rest assured that you'll get frustrated. How do you create a regimen? Building a regimen is dependent on several factors; budget, hair texture, hair needs, climate as well as genetics. If you have relaxed hair, your regimen will certainly differs from one with natural hair or even loced hair. If you have texlax