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Showing posts with the label Thick Hair

How To Grow From Thin To Thick Relaxed Hair

Relaxed hair care seems to be one complicated journey but when you get the hang of it, you'll be so relieved. Why does relaxed hair get thin easily? A case in point is my own struggles with thin relaxed hair. The few lessons I've kept in my pocket this time around are : 1. Trim regularly. Have a schedule to get rid of the thin ends. I plan to trim every touch up. That's approximately every 12 weeks. I've learnt from so many setbacks that I'm bent on getting it right this time. 2. Longer stretches. A major problem I've had for the past two years and not going beyond 6 weeks. That thinned my hair out like crazy. This time, regardless of the short length, I'm surely going for nothing below 12 weeks. The ultimate stretching is 16 weeks so 12 weeks is a good starting point. There are some who advised starting off gradually with 8 weeks but that's what set me back. You get comfortable with the 8 weeks and moving beyond that it's a challenge. Therefor...