Dry lips, ashy feet and skin as well as constant struggle to keep the skin hydrated all battle with is during Harmattan. To begin with, focus on Hyaluronic acid. This will certainly be the time to use the HA to the maximum potential! I've also realized that my skin absolutely loves the vitamin C Suspension 23% from The Ordinary too. Thi serum has squalene oil and in this harmattan, the oil keeps the face soft and supple! I'm definitely going to get squalene oil soon to take me through the coming weeks. In addition to the light weight oils, my skin seems to be dryer with chemical exfoliation so I've slowed down the frequency. I'm going to rather do more face mask treatments to infuse moisture into the skin. The last thing about the harmattan tran is that my skin isn't breaking out. Probably because my face uses up the extra sebum to keep it moisturized against the dry weather. This is the reason squalene oil and other light oils like Argan oil will be of great be...
Everything Hair And Skin