Herbs In Ghana: Parsley

 Parsley belongs to the Umbelliferae family of plants with the Latin name Petroselinum crispum. The two most popular types of parsley are curly parsley and Italian flat leaf parsley. The Italian variety has a more fragrant and less bitter taste than the curly variety. There is also another type of parsley known as turnip-rooted (or Hamburg) that is cultivated for its roots, which resemble salsify and burdock. 

  • Healthy scalps
  • Stimulates scalpel circulation
  • Acts as a hair conditioner
  • Helps to balance the sebaceous glands
  • Heals any scalp problems and boosts hair growth.
For Shiny Hair
  1. Boil water in a pot on high flame.
  2. Put the parsley leaves in this boiling water for 20 minutes
  3. Pass this through the blender to get a smooth paste.
  4. Apply this paste on your shampooed and clean hair the way you would apply henna paste.
  5. Leave this on your scalp for 1 hour.
  6. Rinse off with water.
  7. Don't shampoo your hair again.
Scalp Lotion
As a scalp lotion, parsley seed disinfects the scalp and stimulated hair growth. It also gets rid of lice infestation.
Hair Growth
Rub powdered parsley seeds on the scalp and thoroughly massage them into the scalp over a period of three days.
Hair Tonic
  1. Puree a large handful of parsley sprigs with two tablespoons of water, and apply the tonic to a wet scalp.
  2. Wrap hair with a towel, and allow the mixture to sit for an hour.
  3. Shampoo as usual.
Parsley Oil
It is very useful for hair loss treatment.
Oil should be massaged directly on scalp to stimulate hair growth. Tea made with parsley oil can be used as scalp lotion which stimulates hair growth. Check Here for how to prepare parsley oil.
Where To Buy Parsley
Parsley can be obtained from any of the spices sellers at the markets and also at Shoprite Accra Mall.




  1. May I know the local name for this herb pleas

  2. Whats the local name please

  3. Twi name for parsley

  4. Local twi name for parsley

  5. pls may i no the twill name of parsley


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