How to: take down braids and weaves? When you are through with the beautiful weaves or braids, you are left with the nightmare of taking it down. That shouldn't be the case. See my posts on how I washed my weave . As one who uses extensions a lot, I've developed some techniques which I'm sharing with you today. Essentially, what you need are: bobby pin or roller pin to remove the braids Scissors to cut knots in the extensions Hair clips to keep the undone hair from tangling up Detangling mix which could be a detangling conditioner, detangling shampoo, or oils. Mirror to view the hair to guide you through each braid A towel or t-shirt for your neck so you don't get the bits of short extensions that come off all over your body Braids and Twists What I do is to cut off the tip of the extensions since those parts are the most tangled. I section it so I can work on it one at a time. I bobby pin or roller pin to undo the braids one knot at a time. I d
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