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Showing posts from 2017

How To Increase Hair Growth Whilst In Protective Style

I've been in these zip braids for 2 weeks already; my scalp is fine, my hairline is full and overall, I notice growth coming in. What do I do to increase hair growth whilst in protective style? 1. Stay consistent with hydration both internal and external. I drink more than 2 litres of water as often as possible and spray the hair with rosewater and guava leaves brewed in water. 2. Take your vitamins be it multivitamins, hair growth vitamins or just good old folic acid. Whatever the case, just keep your body healthy and ensure your body gets all the nutrients it needs for cell renewal and healthy hair. 3. Keep the scalp unclogged. In as much as I Iove using hair oils, I don't go hard on them when I'm unable to properly wash the scalp. I use the ESO scalp oil about 3 to 4 times a week. I apply it daily on the edges as it's easy to cleanse that part. 4. Lastly, clean the scalp regularly to prevent build up. Truth be told, I have been able to clean mine ...

Do You Oil Your Scalp?

Oiling your scalp is quite a controversial topic within the hair world for the reason that some advocate that you do so to help prevent dry scalp whilst others are of the view that your sebum is enough to hydrate your scalp. The question is how much sebum do you have? Is it enough? The main concern with oiling your scalp has to do with clogging the pores with thick oils that prevent your scalp from receiving the nourishment it needs as well as adding to the sebum you have. In some cases, I've found my sebum production to be low and as such oiling the scalp was a good way of ensuring no dryness. On the other hand, when I go overboard with the application of the oil, I experience itchy scalp. When you oil your scalp, it doesn't need to be a daily routine if your scalp doesn't like it. Itchy scalp means you need to cleanse it and applying oils to the scalp might require regular cleansing. There are people with scalp conditions that can only be soothed with oiling the sca...

How To Use Protective Styles To Grow Longer Hair

In as much as we all want to grow long hair,  we also fail to see that it's not everything that yields positive results and this applies to using protective styles to grow longer hair. We call some styles protective styles because our ends are protected from the elements and also from damage as a result of manipulation. Weaves,  buns and braids are the most common protective styles. In order to reap the benefits of protective styles to grow your hair long,  use the following tips. **Moisturize your hair underneath your hair style.  Use a braid spray or your own spritz to keep the hair from drying out. **Clean your scalp regularly to remove dirt which blocks the pores on the scalp.  Use light oils on the scalp I order not to clog it. **Don't keep the style in for too long. Now,  what is "long"? That's up to you. Some clean their scalp and wash their braid or weaves regularly hence they are able to go up to 3 months.  You know your hair and wha...

Why Your Natural Hair Is Brown In Colour

I'm not referring to this with naturally brown hair : I'm talking about those who complain that their hair isn't as black as mine (even relaxed hair needs not to be brown). 1. The first reason is dry hair.  When your hair lacks moisture,  you'll experience dry and brittle hair and the sun light worsens the situation hence you get that brownish tint. What you need to do to remedy the situation is infuse moisture into the hair in form of deep conditioning and green house effect. In a matter of weeks, you'll notice a difference. 2. Not protecting your ends can cause that brownish colour therefore try to keep your ends tucked away especially during harmattan. 3. Relaxing your hair too often or back to back like we used to causes over processed hair which is the brownish colour you see.  When you begin spacing the relaxer application,  you'll notice that your old hair will only be the damaged parts. Apply the relaxer to only the new growth else if you do it a...

Braids Don't Grow Hair

I got the box braids installed to give myself a break from daily manipulation during harmattan. When it comes to braids and length retention, the thoughts of a majority of women is braids grow hair faster and hence their dependence on it. This view is influenced by the result you see after taking down your braids.  Because the hair is protected from natural elements like the sun, you tend to experience less dryness if you've been moisturizing probably once in a while.  Also, no manipulation means you don't loose hair nor experience breakage which translates into length retention. That's the reason why you may think braids grow hair but they don't affect the scalp in any way to facilitate growth.

How To Grow Long Hair

Ladies who are new on the healthy hair journey have requested for a post on how to grow long hair.  If your resolution is to grow your relaxed hair or natural hair long, here are a few tips for you. 1. Get a shampoo: cleaning your scalp and hair as a first step eliminates dirt from the scalp and hair. It also means you'll be able to use your other products effectively. 2. Conditioner: infusing moisture back into the hair after a shampoo is essential in maintaining soft hair as well as preventing breakage. After shampoo, follow up with the conditioner for softer and manageable hair. (visit our instragram page @ Emprezzglamhub  )  3. Deep conditioner helps to provide the hair with nutrients that nourish the strands, strengthen it and also prevent damage and breakage. This treatment should be done at least once a month after shampoo. You can alternate that with the regular conditioner weekly too.  (visit our instragram page @ Emprezzglamhub   )  4. Leave in conditioner ...

Beauty Formulas Age defying day cream and Age control Night Cream

The last time I did an intensive facial cleansing was about a month ago. After that,  I haven't used a scrub so why didn't I get breakouts like I do when I don't use scrub? I believe scrubs unclog blocked pores but if the pored aren't blocked in the first place,  then,  there won't be any unclogging. What's the secret?  The new facial moisturizers I use. I use the Beauty Formulas Age defying day cream and age control night cream. I've been consistent in using just these two on face and those who also purchased it, love it. My face has remained smooth and acne free even without scrubbing so imagine the joy I have. I'll be using scrub every now and then as a maintenance routine. The day cream is lighter and smells great too.  I focus is on the eye area and the  eyes have  felt and looked more moisturized.  Even though I still plan on getting an eye cream and vitamin C facial serums,  this cream is filling that gab quite well. T...

3 Steps To Infusing Moisture In Your Hair

My hair has been dry lately probably because I lie down on the sofa a lot ( no protection for the hair). To rectify this, I decided to do a green house effect. 1. Applied Sulphur oil on the scalp and Jbco on the hair itself. 2. Covered with a shopping bag and shower cap 3. Went to bed . I'll do this for about three times a week as the whether is becoming more dry. Have you tried Green House Effect? 3.

What Is Micellar Cleansing Water?

According to Huffington post, There’s washing your face with soap and water, and then there’s cleansing with micellar water. Micellar water is made up of micelles (tiny balls of cleansing oil molecules) suspended in soft water. “The idea is that micelles are attracted to dirt and oil, so they are able to draw out impurities without drying out the skin.  Therefore, micellar cleansing  water can be used as a facial wash, makeup remover and moisturizer all in one. I've been using the Beauty Formulas Micellar Cleansing Water in my routine. Here's my review of it; I talk about the smell, how it feels on my skin and how I use it. Source:

Find Your Hair Porosity

Porosity is your hair's ability to absorb moisture and is broken down into three categories:low, medium and high. 1 – THE STRAND TEST Gently stretch a tiny section of curl strands from different areas of your head – front hairline, nape, crown and temple. Place the stretched curl between your thumb and finger and slide it up the hair strand from the tip towards the scalp. If your fingers move easily up the strand and it feels dense and hard, you have low porosity hair. If it feels smooth, you have normal porosity hair. And if the strand feels rough or dry or it breaks, you have high porosity hair. #2 – THE SHEDDING HAIR TEST Another way to check your hair porosity is to drop hair that’s been shed as a result of combing into a glass of water. If it floats, your hair is low porosity. If your hair sinks slowly, it has normal porosity, and if it sinks immediately, your hair is high porosity. #3 – THE H20 TEST To determine your hair porosity level using water, spritz a small se...

What Is Your Hair Texture?

Hair has been the subject of this blog for almost 7 years and to think we would have mastered our hair by now Lol. What Is hair texture? Each of us is unique with a peculiar hair texture. We don't carry the same genetic traits hence regardless of any hair typing system, your hair is still unique and should be treated as such. There have been a number of hair typing systems but the most used and popular one is the one by Oprah's stylist, Andre Walker. Almost every new person on a healthy hair quest would have read about type 3A, to 4C. However, determining your hair texture is a different ball game. Hair texture is the measure of the circumference of the hair strand itself. Professionals classify the texture of hair as being "coarse" (Thick), "fine", or "medium". Width is not how the hair feels but describes the thickness of each individual strand of hair. The comparison is typically to a piece of thread. If your hair is fine, it’s thinner t...

Horsetail and Silica For Hair Growth

We are almost done with the ingredients for hairfinity. Today's topic has to do with horsetail and silica. Known by the botanical name Equisetum, horsetail is a prehistoric plant with distinctive hollow stems. Horsetail contains silica, an abundant mineral that helps promote strong bones and healthy skin, hair and nails. Silica is a major constituent of collagen and helps support healthy tissues. Silica is marketed by itself as a general health supplement in several forms, including liquid and powder.( Check our post On Collagen). Silica helps your body absorb calcium. Calcium is the most abundant mineral in your body. It is needed for bone health and the proper function of your muscles and nerves. It is also needed for proper cell signaling -- a communication system that directs cellular activity. Source:

Methylsulphonylmethane (MSM) sulphur

Sulfur exists in both mineral and organic forms. Organic sulfur is also called Methylsulphonylmethane (MSM) sulfur. To begin with, sulfur (also known as sulphur) is a chemical element. It is also known as sulfur oxide, which is processed into sulfuric acid. This form of sulfur is poisonous to the body, and cannot be absorbed or digested. Furthermore, Sulfur is often found in volcanic areas, and usually occurs in yellow crystalline form or in mass volume. Organic Sulfur (MSM) On the other hand, Methylsulphonylmethane (MSM) is an organic sulfur compound found in all living plant and animal tissues. It is a white, odorless, crystalline powder. This form of sulfur is 100% organic, and is actually extremely beneficial to the human body. Unlike sulfur oxide, organic sulfur is a food grade form of sulfur  that is absolutely necessary for proper health. MSM sulfur works in the body by supporting the  connective tissues of tendons, muscles and ligaments. Furthermore, organic sulf...

Hydrolyzed Collagen For Hair Growth

In the facts about the hairfinity series, we've looked at the claims, what the capilsana complex does and now, we need to look at the hydrolyzed collagen which is part of the exclusive system. Hydrolyzed collagen is composed of small amino acids, which help form new collagen in the body. While there is currently no evidence supporting its many claims, some suggest hydrolyzed collagen is capable of increasing lean muscle mass stores, treating arthritis, and even rebuilding certain organs. The Making of Hydrolyzed collagen Hydrolyzed collagen is collagen that is derived from bovine bone and cartilage. Bovine collagen is a naturally occurring protein found in the cartilage, bones and hides of cows that provides types I and III collagen, the major components of skin, hair, nails, muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones, gums, teeth, eyes and blood vessels. Usually, the bone is crushed, ground, defatted, soaked in acid to remove the calcium, soaked again to break the collagen b...

Capilsana Complex in Hairfinity

We are on the ingredients in the hairfinity and when I'm through with it, we'll move to the Edge Entity ingredients. What is capilsana complex? EXCLUSIVE CAPILSANA ™ COMPLEX delivers a unique blend of Hydrolyzed Collagen, MSM, and Silica provides 18 Amino Acids, which are the building blocks of the protein that gives hair its strength. The exclusive complex also provides sulfur required for healthy collagen and keratin, which are essential to healthy hair growth. From, B vitamins are known to be essential for a variety of biological functions including increasing cell numbers and cell growth. Although it is not something you can see obviously, hair is composed of cells and hair growth means increasing cell numbers and cell growth. Will high levels of B-vitamins increase hair growth? This is unknown. However, as B vitamins are water soluble, you should expect to see the excess passing out in urine. The active ingredient is listed as capilsana comple...

Edge Entity For Edges

I'm not pausing hairfinity to use the edge entity to regrow my edges. The hairfinity is just 30 days supply whereas the edge entity has to be used up within 6 months of opening hence I will still have amble time to test the efficiency or otherwise. The Edge Entity is a follicle stimulant with coconut milk and peppermint oil ( doesn't tingle that much so I'm cool). I got the 4oz at close to (300gh). If you want one, let's chat on 0541458372. Some testimonies My own before I'll share the ingredients and details on each ingredient in the one month update.

What is dandruff?

What is dandruff? Dandruff is the shedding of dead skin cells from the scalp. As skin cells die, a small amount of flaking is normal. For most teens and adults, dandruff symptoms are easy to spot: white, oily-looking flakes of dead skin that dot your hair and shoulders, and a possibly itchy, scaly scalp. Dandruff can have several causes, including: Irritated, oily skin (seborrheic dermatitis).This condition, one of the most frequent causes of dandruff, is marked by red, greasy skin covered with flaky white or yellow scales. Seborrheic dermatitis may affect your scalp and other areas rich in oil glands, such as your eyebrows, the sides of your nose and the backs of your ears, your breastbone (sternum), your groin area, and sometimes your armpits. Not shampooing often enough. If you don't regularly wash your hair, oils and skin cells from your scalp can build up, causing dandruff. A yeastlike fungus (malassezia).Malassezia lives on the scalps of most ...

Some Facts About Hairfinity Vitamins

I'm on the second day of the hairfinity vitamins and these are the five things I've learnt about it. 1. As far back as 2011, hairfinity was in the system. Can we say the papa of hair vitamins? 😃 I saw a review video at that time Lol. 2. Hairfinity has introduced its own hair care line - shampoo etc. It might be here soon. 3. Hairfinity has celebrity endorsements; I've Seen the review of Blac Chyna and others. Lastly, you can pour the vitamins in your drink too if you don't like taking it.

Queen Helene Oat and Honey Facial Scrub Review

When I needed a facial scrub, I picked up the Queen Helene Oats and Honey scrub for the fact that I saw those two ingredients. After purchasing, I read reviews online and one blog rated is as part of the top 10 facial scrubs for 2017! That got me quite excited so I began using it. Did it get the results I wanted? Find out from the video.

Health And Curls 17 In Pictures

Health and Curls was organized by AveryNaturals( check them on Instagram) to provide a platform for interaction about ladies on a healthy hair journey as well as offer a one stop shop to buy products. What an amazing and awesome event for hair enthusiasts! My stand; You can call me on 0541458372 to purchase any of these items. Speakers, Ann and Mrs. Akorli Avery giving information on Testicular cancer Participants Repping live! You shouldn't miss the next one. There were vendors from different hair brands too. I got a few stuff as well so stay tuned for a haul.

6 More Ways To Use Aloe Vera On Your Hair

How do you use aloe vera gel or juice on your hair? Cleanser Aloe vera is known as a mild cleanser. In the water only wash regimen, the gel is said to gently clear excess sebum. After relaxed application, use the aloe vera on your scalp. Moisturizer The water in the Aloe plant is considered to be very moisturizing and thus a lot of ladies, both natural and relaxed, use it as their moisturizer. Here's how to make yours. Leave in If you want a natural leave in, look no further. The Aloe vera gel or juice can serve as a leave in too. In fact, a lot of commercial products make use of it - from shampoo to deep conditioner! It's seen as a humectant that is pulling moisture into the hair and so you have a great natural leave in so long as you know the time your weather won't favour Humectants. Hair Spritz: All you need is to mix a bit of aloe vera gel, a few drops of essential oil, some carrier oil like olive oil and water in a spray bottle. Use this when yo...

Two Reasons Why You Get Biotin Acne

If you've not heard of biotin, well, it's like the salt of everyone aiming to grow long hair quickly. What happens though is that when the dosage of the biotin leads to overproduction of sebum, your face becomes the deposit site of the excess which can clog your pores, get infected and cause breakout. The second reason why you break out from biotin is that because your sebum production has increased, your facial routine has to be tailored towards regular cleansing. Now, the challenge is most often, we don't have a facial routine and that means we are unable to clear the excess sebum. Therefore, if you are taking biotin, you may have to either reduce the dosage or get your facial routine game on!

When Your Products Fail, What Can You Do?

Many of us purchase items hoping to get the best out of them. However, it doesn't turn out right always. Let me commence with failed shampoos. If you're like me who lives on a budget all the time, then, having to throw away a shampoo that is relatively cheap or expensive is a big NO! But I find ways to enjoy some benefit. *Give it to one of my sisters. It may work for them. *Pre poo hair properly- this helps to condition the hair such that if the shampoo is too stripping, the hair is protected. *If the shampoo isn't able to clean well, I use a lot! I get to benefit from it and speeds up the emptying process. *Doesn't smell good? Use an after shampoo product with a great smell. Rinse out regular conditioners : *Pre poo with it. That way you can enjoy some benefit. *Use a lot at a go! works to add moisture and get rid of it quickly. *Mix it with other conditioners. *Swap or give it to someone. How about deep conditioner? *Add oils to it- to improve its eff...

Add Silk Amino Acids To Your Regimen

First and foremost, what is silk amino acid ingredient and what does it do? Read the previous post ( Know Your Protein Part One ) But, the question is, "how do I  incorporate  silk amino acid in my regimen? If you have silk amino in  powder or liquid form  that you want to use together with your hair products, you can do so through the following ways. Pre-relaxer treatement: Use the liquid one straight on your hair a few hours before relaxing. This is to serve as a buffer against the relaxer. Apply to your ends and leave to dry Add it to your leave-in conditioners for the hair to absorp it. This nourishes your hair and prevent breakage.  Add to your Deep conditioner mixture to provide a boost in the elasticity of your hair.  As a rinse, the powder can be used to restore the protein in the hair.  I  got my chi silk infusion and haven't slept on it at all! It's a must have for all relaxed hair ladies. References http://www.longhai...