
3 Steps To Infusing Moisture In Your Hair

My hair has been dry lately probably because I lie down on the sofa a lot ( no protection for the hair). To rectify this, I decided to do a green house effect. 1. Applied Sulphur oil on the scalp and Jbco on the hair itself. 2. Covered with a shopping bag and shower cap 3. Went to bed . I'll do this for about three times a week as the whether is becoming more dry. Have you tried Green House Effect? 3.

What Is Micellar Cleansing Water?

According to Huffington post, There’s washing your face with soap and water, and then there’s cleansing with micellar water. Micellar water is made up of micelles (tiny balls of cleansing oil molecules) suspended in soft water. “The idea is that micelles are attracted to dirt and oil, so they are able to draw out impurities without drying out the skin.  Therefore, micellar cleansing  water can be used as a facial wash, makeup remover and moisturizer all in one. I've been using the Beauty Formulas Micellar Cleansing Water in my routine. Here's my review of it; I talk about the smell, how it feels on my skin and how I use it. Source:

Find Your Hair Porosity

Porosity is your hair's ability to absorb moisture and is broken down into three categories:low, medium and high. 1 – THE STRAND TEST Gently stretch a tiny section of curl strands from different areas of your head – front hairline, nape, crown and temple. Place the stretched curl between your thumb and finger and slide it up the hair strand from the tip towards the scalp. If your fingers move easily up the strand and it feels dense and hard, you have low porosity hair. If it feels smooth, you have normal porosity hair. And if the strand feels rough or dry or it breaks, you have high porosity hair. #2 – THE SHEDDING HAIR TEST Another way to check your hair porosity is to drop hair that’s been shed as a result of combing into a glass of water. If it floats, your hair is low porosity. If your hair sinks slowly, it has normal porosity, and if it sinks immediately, your hair is high porosity. #3 – THE H20 TEST To determine your hair porosity level using water, spritz a small se

What Is Your Hair Texture?

Hair has been the subject of this blog for almost 7 years and to think we would have mastered our hair by now Lol. What Is hair texture? Each of us is unique with a peculiar hair texture. We don't carry the same genetic traits hence regardless of any hair typing system, your hair is still unique and should be treated as such. There have been a number of hair typing systems but the most used and popular one is the one by Oprah's stylist, Andre Walker. Almost every new person on a healthy hair quest would have read about type 3A, to 4C. However, determining your hair texture is a different ball game. Hair texture is the measure of the circumference of the hair strand itself. Professionals classify the texture of hair as being "coarse" (Thick), "fine", or "medium". Width is not how the hair feels but describes the thickness of each individual strand of hair. The comparison is typically to a piece of thread. If your hair is fine, it’s thinner t

Horsetail and Silica For Hair Growth

We are almost done with the ingredients for hairfinity. Today's topic has to do with horsetail and silica. Known by the botanical name Equisetum, horsetail is a prehistoric plant with distinctive hollow stems. Horsetail contains silica, an abundant mineral that helps promote strong bones and healthy skin, hair and nails. Silica is a major constituent of collagen and helps support healthy tissues. Silica is marketed by itself as a general health supplement in several forms, including liquid and powder.( Check our post On Collagen). Silica helps your body absorb calcium. Calcium is the most abundant mineral in your body. It is needed for bone health and the proper function of your muscles and nerves. It is also needed for proper cell signaling -- a communication system that directs cellular activity. Source:

Methylsulphonylmethane (MSM) sulphur

Sulfur exists in both mineral and organic forms. Organic sulfur is also called Methylsulphonylmethane (MSM) sulfur. To begin with, sulfur (also known as sulphur) is a chemical element. It is also known as sulfur oxide, which is processed into sulfuric acid. This form of sulfur is poisonous to the body, and cannot be absorbed or digested. Furthermore, Sulfur is often found in volcanic areas, and usually occurs in yellow crystalline form or in mass volume. Organic Sulfur (MSM) On the other hand, Methylsulphonylmethane (MSM) is an organic sulfur compound found in all living plant and animal tissues. It is a white, odorless, crystalline powder. This form of sulfur is 100% organic, and is actually extremely beneficial to the human body. Unlike sulfur oxide, organic sulfur is a food grade form of sulfur  that is absolutely necessary for proper health. MSM sulfur works in the body by supporting the  connective tissues of tendons, muscles and ligaments. Furthermore, organic sulfur (MSM)

Hydrolyzed Collagen For Hair Growth

In the facts about the hairfinity series, we've looked at the claims, what the capilsana complex does and now, we need to look at the hydrolyzed collagen which is part of the exclusive system. Hydrolyzed collagen is composed of small amino acids, which help form new collagen in the body. While there is currently no evidence supporting its many claims, some suggest hydrolyzed collagen is capable of increasing lean muscle mass stores, treating arthritis, and even rebuilding certain organs. The Making of Hydrolyzed collagen Hydrolyzed collagen is collagen that is derived from bovine bone and cartilage. Bovine collagen is a naturally occurring protein found in the cartilage, bones and hides of cows that provides types I and III collagen, the major components of skin, hair, nails, muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones, gums, teeth, eyes and blood vessels. Usually, the bone is crushed, ground, defatted, soaked in acid to remove the calcium, soaked again to break the collagen bonds