
Some Facts About Hairfinity Vitamins

I'm on the second day of the hairfinity vitamins and these are the five things I've learnt about it. 1. As far back as 2011, hairfinity was in the system. Can we say the papa of hair vitamins? 😃 I saw a review video at that time Lol. 2. Hairfinity has introduced its own hair care line - shampoo etc. It might be here soon. 3. Hairfinity has celebrity endorsements; I've Seen the review of Blac Chyna and others. Lastly, you can pour the vitamins in your drink too if you don't like taking it.

Queen Helene Oat and Honey Facial Scrub Review

When I needed a facial scrub, I picked up the Queen Helene Oats and Honey scrub for the fact that I saw those two ingredients. After purchasing, I read reviews online and one blog rated is as part of the top 10 facial scrubs for 2017! That got me quite excited so I began using it. Did it get the results I wanted? Find out from the video.

Health And Curls 17 In Pictures

Health and Curls was organized by AveryNaturals( check them on Instagram) to provide a platform for interaction about ladies on a healthy hair journey as well as offer a one stop shop to buy products. What an amazing and awesome event for hair enthusiasts! My stand; You can call me on 0541458372 to purchase any of these items. Speakers, Ann and Mrs. Akorli Avery giving information on Testicular cancer Participants Repping live! You shouldn't miss the next one. There were vendors from different hair brands too. I got a few stuff as well so stay tuned for a haul.

6 More Ways To Use Aloe Vera On Your Hair

How do you use aloe vera gel or juice on your hair? Cleanser Aloe vera is known as a mild cleanser. In the water only wash regimen, the gel is said to gently clear excess sebum. After relaxed application, use the aloe vera on your scalp. Moisturizer The water in the Aloe plant is considered to be very moisturizing and thus a lot of ladies, both natural and relaxed, use it as their moisturizer. Here's how to make yours. Leave in If you want a natural leave in, look no further. The Aloe vera gel or juice can serve as a leave in too. In fact, a lot of commercial products make use of it - from shampoo to deep conditioner! It's seen as a humectant that is pulling moisture into the hair and so you have a great natural leave in so long as you know the time your weather won't favour Humectants. Hair Spritz: All you need is to mix a bit of aloe vera gel, a few drops of essential oil, some carrier oil like olive oil and water in a spray bottle. Use this when yo

Two Reasons Why You Get Biotin Acne

If you've not heard of biotin, well, it's like the salt of everyone aiming to grow long hair quickly. What happens though is that when the dosage of the biotin leads to overproduction of sebum, your face becomes the deposit site of the excess which can clog your pores, get infected and cause breakout. The second reason why you break out from biotin is that because your sebum production has increased, your facial routine has to be tailored towards regular cleansing. Now, the challenge is most often, we don't have a facial routine and that means we are unable to clear the excess sebum. Therefore, if you are taking biotin, you may have to either reduce the dosage or get your facial routine game on!

When Your Products Fail, What Can You Do?

Many of us purchase items hoping to get the best out of them. However, it doesn't turn out right always. Let me commence with failed shampoos. If you're like me who lives on a budget all the time, then, having to throw away a shampoo that is relatively cheap or expensive is a big NO! But I find ways to enjoy some benefit. *Give it to one of my sisters. It may work for them. *Pre poo hair properly- this helps to condition the hair such that if the shampoo is too stripping, the hair is protected. *If the shampoo isn't able to clean well, I use a lot! I get to benefit from it and speeds up the emptying process. *Doesn't smell good? Use an after shampoo product with a great smell. Rinse out regular conditioners : *Pre poo with it. That way you can enjoy some benefit. *Use a lot at a go! works to add moisture and get rid of it quickly. *Mix it with other conditioners. *Swap or give it to someone. How about deep conditioner? *Add oils to it- to improve its eff

Add Silk Amino Acids To Your Regimen

First and foremost, what is silk amino acid ingredient and what does it do? Read the previous post ( Know Your Protein Part One ) But, the question is, "how do I  incorporate  silk amino acid in my regimen? If you have silk amino in  powder or liquid form  that you want to use together with your hair products, you can do so through the following ways. Pre-relaxer treatement: Use the liquid one straight on your hair a few hours before relaxing. This is to serve as a buffer against the relaxer. Apply to your ends and leave to dry Add it to your leave-in conditioners for the hair to absorp it. This nourishes your hair and prevent breakage.  Add to your Deep conditioner mixture to provide a boost in the elasticity of your hair.  As a rinse, the powder can be used to restore the protein in the hair.  I  got my chi silk infusion and haven't slept on it at all! It's a must have for all relaxed hair ladies. References