Control Hair Breakage With These Tips

Hair breakage is a nightmare for everyone on a healthy hair journey and the major cause of setbacks too.
Aside the few tips on why your hair may be breaking, I want to add a couple of ideas to help control the breakage.

[1] Trim well: I've noticed that most of the trims don't really get rid of damaged ends for fear of losing length. If you have 5 inches of damaged ends, cutting them off at once might be more prudent than gradually trimming as split ends could travel up the strands.

[2]Invest in a satin lined bonnet or satin pillow case to reduce the friction between the strands as you sleep. The cotton pillows suck the moisture from your hair!

[3] Let prepoo treatment and hot oil treatment be constant in your wash routine. This adds to preventing products from overly stripping your hair leading to dryness and breakage. 

[4] Bayyging your ends: This allows your ends to benefit from direct moisture. If you can't do it, try to moisturize the ends every night! Although you may be moisturizing and sealing, your ends may not be getting adequate moisture hence nightly moisturizing can resolve the problem. 

[5] Have ceramide products in your wash products. This could be ceramide shampoos, conditioners or even oils. They help repair your strands as well as fortify it. 

[6] Clarify and Chelate very often to remove mineral deposit which hinder absorption of products. Once a month is an ideal starting point, especially, for those who have hard water. You may invest in shower filters too. 

[7] Lastly, pay attention to your hair tools. You can't expect healthy hair when you are constantly blow drying and straightening. 


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  2. Thanks for the tips


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