African Black Soap in Facial Care

A few years ago,  I decided to jump on the African black soap in Facial care bandwagon. Alata samina, as we call it,  is raved as a great cleanser.
Well, I tried to use the African black soap at that time thinking I was going to achieve the same results too but it failed. I mean I got some serious breakout so I concluded it wasn't for me.

Now,  I'm back to using alata samina and the difference this time is that I have a regimen. I didn't have a regimen back then so I was obviously going about the whole process wrongly. Currently, that's the only thing I use as a cleanser before using a facial scrub. I use it about twice a day if I wear make up. The interesting part is that my face doesn't feel so dry after use!
Do you use African black soap in your facial care regimen?


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