What's A Healthy Hair Journey?

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="199"]top knot bun top knot bunMy meditation these days about hair have changed drastically from yearning for what others have to getting what  I want.[/caption]

Until somewhere June 2011, I had no idea that ladies had taken matters into their own hands to grow healthy hair.

A Healthy Hair journey is all about keeping your hair healthy. So why is length such  a big deal? It's because healthy hair can give you the retention of growth and ultimately translating into length.

My  journey is such  a difficult one to comprehend. But my last big chop hasn't necessarily set me back. If anything  at all,  it's helped me achieve what I wanted which is healthy hair.. The dyed hair is gone and I'm good.

The mantra that most people recite is health over length and it's rightly so. The desire for healthy hair is so strong that I don't mind the big chops. They gratify a desire for health. That said,  I don't want to suffer any damage again. A combine effort of will power and self control will help you retain your health as well as length.

2016 has been good so far and I want to continue it that way.

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