6 Ways To Overcome Hair Setbacks

As the queen of experiments about 3 years ago, there isn't a setback I haven't experienced and not recovered from and that's why I'm sharing with you 6 ways to overcome hair setbacks.


Though I'm not at my goal length, I've had enough setbacks to keep me on track and that has been the case since 2014. I hit full shoulder length in December 2014 after my big chop in January 2014.  after cutting my hair as a result of a henna mishap, colour treatment, protein and others, here are the strategies I employed and still employ when I suffer any setback.
1. Accept that you caused the setback. Whether a stylist trimmed too much hair or gave you a bad braid, you are responsible. Why didn't you complain during the process? Why didn't you get up and leave? If it's your hair breaking, what did you fail to do?
2. Trust that you can and will recover from the setback. No matter how bad the problem, there is always a solution. Believe in your ability to bring your hair back to health. Be prepared to go the extra mile to get your results.
3.Identify the cause of setback you have. You may have lost length; look at your hair diary to identify what is missing. Did you use a small teeth comb on your dry hair? Could it be due to postpartum shedding?
4. Create specific solutions for the setback. If it means leaving out some products such as in the case of protein overload, don't hesitate. If finding a new stylist is the solution, do it. If you have to stop creating your fancy hair styles, do it.
5. Give your hair time to recover from the setback. The damage you have took some time to occur so give your hair the chance to recover. At least 3 months can give you some positive feedback.
6. Monitor your solution. If you are using a new product to solve your setback, keep an eye on it to see if it's working. That will prevent further damage.


  1. calabar gal11:56 pm

    Glad u have overcome. I hope to get to shoulder length one day - sooner than later

  2. abena7:18 am

    You'll get there


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