3 Easy Ways To Get Free Hair Products

Who doesn't like free stuff? Certainly, all of us love freebies. When you set your eyes on a product and you start budgeting for it, the waiting time can kill 😂😂😂. So, how can you get free hair products?
Give Aways
Your favorite bloggers have give away contests that affords you the chance to win products. Just follow give away rules( like mine) and you are on the way to winning products!
The good old ways of getting freebies just got better even for our Ghanaian hair products. Our sisters are creating a variety of hair and skin care lines that will certainly get you daydreaming about them. All you need to do is follow them and support them.
Also, sellers do give aways so don't miss them too. You get to do a few things like share a post but hey, it's worth it! Some of the products you win are simply too expensive to miss.
You don't need to tweak and make sure every single product works for you by hook or crook. Why not swap or exchange it for something else. We hold on to a lot of products so we are unable to enjoy others. I've given some away to friends to make room for new ones and taken some from them too. This is a win-win situation so don't be afraid to swap.
What I've come to love our sisters who are creating hair products is the additional sample products you get when you make purchases. I really love this effort which also helps PJs like us to try our hands on new stuff. I'm really going all out to grab goodies and also enjoy new products via sample sizes.

There you have it; easy ways to get free hair products all the time!


  1. Patricia12:12 pm

    Wow! Yaaaaay!, I love giveaways, am gonna stick to the rules and win when ever the chances are available

  2. calabar gal3:02 am

    I love giveaways!!


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