Can Braids Protect Your Hair From Harmattan?

Here's a question that has come up and I do know that this is a question on the minds of newbies. Can Braids protect your hair from harmattan? Yes, it can. In fact, in my opinion, compared to weaves,  braids are the better protective style for harmattan.

You are able to wash and condition braids more than when in weaves due to the individual strands of the  braids as compared to  the cornrows of the weave.

Also,  it's less stressful spraying your moisturizer on your braids than on your weave ( see my YouTube channel for how I moisturize and seal my hair when in Braids or weaves).
Thirdly,  braids are more airy compared to weaves.


Despite these problems,  I'm more of a weave person who tried to become a braids person and failed.  I do love weaves regardless of the season, all that matters is you paying attention  to your hair in whatever style you choose for the harmattan.


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