Growing The Edges With Miconazole/Daktarin

Yep! I posted this on our facebook page this afternoon and decided to share it with you. The one I bought is the foot cream; not the vaginal one. It contains miconazole nitrate 20mg per 1.

As you can see, my edges are crying foul and what's the use of leadership without example? I've decided to start today and end a month from today. Once a week, I'll tweet the progress or facebook it (You can remind me if you don't see it). I'll be using the cream mixed with oils at least once a day on ONLY  the edges. Let's see what happens!

See previous post on Growth Aids: Monistat/Daktarin Cream more information on Daktarin.



  1. interesting! let's see the progress after this ok? all the best


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