Oils In Ghana: Rapeseed Oil

Source: www.buzzle.com
As more Ghanaian ladies are becoming aware of the herbs we have at our disposal, I've decided to add a series on oils to show case what we also have in order to achieve healthy hair over here. I'll start off with rapeseed oil also known as Canola oil. Canola oil  comes from a rapeseed plant. Rapeseed belongs to the mustard family (remember mustard in the bible?). 

It helps to repair damaged cells in the hair shaft and protects the hair from spilt ends.

How To Use Canola/Rapeseed Oil
It can be used in hot oil treatment to condition the hair. 
  • 6 tbsp of canola oil or a mixture of three tablespoons each of canola oil and olive oil. 
  • Warm the oil by placing it in the microwave on high for about 15 seconds, 
  • Heat up a towel. 
  • After making sure that the oil is cool enough to handle, pour it into your hands and work it through your hair. Comb it the rest of the way through with a wide toothed comb. 
  • Wrap your head up in the warm towel and wait 30 minutes. After this it's just a matter of washing your hair as you normally do.
You can also use rapeseed oil 
  1. for  scalp massages. 
  2. To add to deep conditioning hair masks. 
  3. You can either use it alone or combine it with other best oils for hair like coconut oil, olive oil or jojoba oil. 
  4. You can also mix it with essential oils like rosemary, tea tree, lavender, etc. to make the oil even more effective. 
  5. It can be used to act as a carrier oil and so mixing with other essential oil is possible. Here are some basic hair care remedies that you can use.
Read more on www.buzzle.com

Where to Purchase Rapeseed oil

It is sold in the markets; usually by the women who sell oils. It can also be found at A n C shopping mall, Max Mart at Legon, Shoprite and The Game at Accra Mall.




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