Weave Failure: Not My Fault

Well, this isn't new for those who interact with us on facebook. If you've also noticed, the current protective style widget is gone but not forever. I failed and as much as I want to blame myself, I won't do so; I'd rather blame the weather.  I hate this HOT weather!

Ok, a side effect of harmattan is the outbreak of flu and I nearly fell victim to it since I only suffered the headaches that lead to the flu. For 3 days, my head felt like someone was pounding fufu on it (fufu is a Ghanaian dish). I took some pain killer, which didn't work. My scalp also felt as if it were on fire! Only my head knows the terrible things it had to go through those days.

When I couldn't stand the pain, I decided to get the weave out so I could have full access to my burning scalp. If even you don't believe it, taking out the weave gave me an instant relief! I got my goddaughter to undo the back of the weave whilst I applied loads of conditioner to the glued part. By the time we got to that part, it was soft enough to remove. I slathered more conditioner to the corn rows and I tell you, removing the braid was a breezeeeeeeeee. After this, I finger detangled and shampooed with the last batch of Mane n' Tail moisturizing shampoo.

My Goodness! When the water hit my scalp, I knew my problems were over but just to avoid a fully developed flu, I took ProCold later. I think I stood under the shower for more than 10 minutes with the water running down through my hair. I applied my ORS replenishing conditioner and left it on for an hour. I rinsed it out and followed up with the Dark n Lovely cholesterol. I t-shirt dried it and left the shirt on for about 20 minutes. I added leave-in and covered with shower cap. I went to bed with the damp hair. I don't think I'll be doing much of styling except more of air drying to avoid manipulating my scalp.

The next morning, I had no headache and I guess I'm just too stubborn to admit that my scalp is not the long term PS type. Even in the pre healthy hair journey, I couldn't go 2 weeks without a wash. I shouldn't therefore be surprised that my scalp misbehaves any time it's covered for more than two weeks.

I've been co-washing daily because my burning scalp hasn't ceased. I believe the hot weather is causing this problem. I found that my cheapie ReFlexion conditioner still sells for less than a dollar so I'lll surely stock up on these for the rest of the year's co-wash.

PS: my net has been down for a month and am still chasing Vodaphone to get it back, plus, my laptop is not coming back now but I'll do my best to provide updates whenever I get hold of my sweethearts'. I'll also put up a recap of this years' regimen and products very soon!



  1. Aww sorry to hear you weren't doing well. Hope it gets better soon with the scalp. That has to be painful.

    1. Am better but my husband, brother-in-law and god daughter have fallen victim to the flu. It's so crazy in the house.

  2. Hi Abena if your scapl isnt better for a while i'd like to suggest you go visit the doctor to know whats going on. get well soon

    1. Thanks Annette. It feels better now but if it doesn't cease by the end of this week, I might just call my doctor- I know he wishes to see me lol. I've been co-washing daily and that seems to have decreased it.


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