10 Co-Washing Problems: (3) Should You Do "Pure" Co-Washing?

 You've got your conditioner and you are ready to start using it for washing.  The problem is, "do you have to do pre-poo before Co-Wash  or DC after Co-wash?", do you do tea rinses/apple cider vinegar rinses after co-washing? or would the wash be solely just a conditioner wash?

I know of ladies who pre-poo before conditioner so the wash doubles the moisture content in the hair. Others also choose to deep condition after co-washing. Both methods are great ways of boosting moisture in the hair! I tend to do the latter sometimes too if I want to avoid shampooing more than once in a week yet want to deep condition. But this is not my favourite so I prefer to use an instant deep conditioner such that I get clean and moisturized hair at the same time.

Whichever technique you opt for depends on how much moisture you are targeting and how often you want to co-wash; this leads us to our problem 4! Stay tuned for it!

Missed previous problems? See 

Problem 2 : Co-washing Problems-2 What Type Of Conditioner To Use?

 What are your co-washing methods?


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