The weather here is very dry and your hair needs all the moisture it can get. Your shampoo should infuse moisture into the hair. Pre shampoo treatment aka pre poo with light oils prevent your shampoo from stripping your hair. The deep conditioning process should also boost moisture in your hair. Kindly put that eye treatment somewhere and pay attention to moisture products. The simple test is to read the ingredients and see where the protein is. Anywhere at the top 5 ingredients is a likely hard protein and further down, you get medium and light protein. The light ones are better since your hair needs list bit of boosting once in a while. Your moisturizer should be moisture based and I've found alternating between creamy and liquid moisturizers is very helpful.
2. Hair type helps: Simple Google to know your hair to guide you select suitable products for your hair.
3. Read about your hair: After you identify your hair type, read about. Find bloggers and others with your hair type. Youtube is a good place to start your search.
4. Switch up your routines: Our weather conditions change with each month therfore adjust your regimen to suit the weather. For example, during the rainy season, I've found castor oil to be too heavy for my hair but during Harmattan, my hair loves it!
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