Since leaving undergrad about 5 years ago, I've been battling with acne, dark spots and rough skin on the face. I've become more conscious about how other ladies are diversifying their focus by taking care of the whole body. Now that I've had a better workout schedule, I've done some reading on handling facial issues and have taken steps to implement a basic skin care routine to obtain the "perfect " face I want. Upon scanning through my stuff, I, actually, had basic skin care products but just wasn't utilizing them at all or appropriately!
- Baby face cleanser (3gh)
- Clean and Clear Blackhead cleanser (15gh)
- Forever Clair (FC) Acne Wash (7gh)
- Forever Clair (FC) Exfoliating toner (I'll try the blemish control toner later)(8gh)
- FC Blemish control cream (7gh)
- FC sun screen block (8gh)
- FC Exfoliating soap (5gh)
- Garnier Fructis moisturizer (for body) (5gh)
- Cotton balls (5gh)
- Facial foam (2gh)
Some the products mentioned had been in my stash for months! It doesn't take overnight to have them but if you can afford to have them, please do so. Now that I've had a few tips, I treat the face twice a day.
- I cleanse with the baby face, then,
- Cleanse with the clear and clean.
- Next, I wash with the Acne wash
- Rinse with water and towel dry.
- Apply toner using cotton balls and clean the face with it.
- I follow up with the blemish control cream and finally,
- the sun screen block. The exfoliating soap comes in once a week; I apply the soap on the face and scrub with the facial foam. I'll be adding facial peels and night cream soon and I wish for Olay cleansing system or something else.
For NIGHT Routine
- The only thing different is skip the sun block. Also, once in the week I use Clear n Smooth Acne control. This is not to be rinsed off so instead of moisturizing, I apply that for bed time.
I hope to gradually find a steady routine. If you have any ideas, do share with me.
Update: You can now get the facial cleansing brush from kikuu (download the app from Google playstore)
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