4 Tips For Successful Detangling


To have a successful detangling section is the dream of every lady on a healthy hair journey and in this post, I share 4 tips for successful detangling.

  1. Select your detangling method. This could be dry or wet detangling, finger or comb detangling or a combination of some or all of these methods. At each stage of your hair growth, one or more methods may be better to accomplish a successful detangling process. Dry Finger detangling involves removing the knots, shed hair and tangles prior to the application of any product, especially, before shampoo. It is done with the aid of oil or slightly damp hair. Wet detangling as the name suggests involves the use of a detangling product such as conditioner. It may also involve detangling under running water. You may choose to use only your fingers or a comb in any of these methods. You can also combine both.

  2. Select Products ahead of time:
    For Dry Finger detangling, the major products you will need are oils of which coconut oil is key. You will need a good amount of oil to produce the slip needed in order to make the dry detangling easier. For comb detangling, a conditioner with slip will make the process less tedious. Plus, a wide teeth comb is needed for easy detangling.

  3. Check your nails:
    It's critical to have no chipped nails if you want to use your fingers to detangle. I prefer to keep the right hand nails, especially, short since I tend to do most of my chores with that hand. For the left, I file the ends to remove any chipped portions. Failure to do so will cause snagging which can result in breakage, and split ends. These two are detrimental to length and retention which is the aim of finger detangling in the first place. For comb detangling, a seamless comb has been noted to be the best. However, I've recently found that wooden combs also don't snag your hair so it might worth a try. I pray our sellers bring in seamless combs too.

  4. Make time
    Detangling is a very crucial part of any wash so you ought to allocate some time for it. For those stretching their relaxers, improper detangling can undo all the length you've gained if your hair. You will also have breakage at the line of demarcation - where the relaxed and natural hair meet. For naturals, improper detangling can make styling impossible. A well detangled hair cuts down on the wash itself.


  1. I try not to detangle my hair when I'm in a hurry. Always leads to more breakage!

  2. abena7:46 am

    That's very key.


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