Herb: Ginger For Hair Growth

My niece is notorious for sleeping late in the night. Now, back in those days, she would have been given a hot enema with ginger to put her to sleep (that's Ghana for you). Ginger is so common that it is difficult to overlook its usefulness in hair care.


Scalp Massage

Ginger can be used as a scalp and hair rub to both control your dandruff and stimulate hair growth, according to HolisticOnline.com. Make a rub by grating two ginger roots. Add the roots to 3 tbsp. sesame oil and 1/8 tsp. lemon juice. Place the ingredients into a juicer or food processor and blend until a juice-like consistency is reached.

Gently massage the mixture into your scalp. Massaging will increase blood circulation to your scalp, according to HolisticOnline.com. In turn, this encourages hair growth. Let the mixture work for 15 to 30 minutes, then rinse your hair thoroughly. Massage your hair with this rub three times weekly.

Here's a video demonstrating the use of ginger for hair growth.



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