DIY Tea Hair Mist

The caffeine in teas have been acclaimed to be effective in controlling excessive shedding hence I decided to make it a part of our hair growth boot camp challenges.

You prepare the tea mist the same way as a rinse except I add oils to the mist. If you can't do the mist, the tea rinse is equally effective.


You can use green tea, black tea or any tea of your choice. I, usually, advice using 1 tea bag first to make sure your hair loves it before increasing the quantity. 

I recommend brewing enough mist for 7 days use. 



Increasing hair growth 

Increasing thickness 

Reducing hair breakage 

Moringa, amla, Brahmi, Aritha, lemongrass and a lot more teas or herbs can be used the same way. Start off with one tea at a time to determine which one works for you. 

With black tea, you should use a moisturizing conditioner or deep conditioner if you use it. It tends to leave the hair hard sometimes. 


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