What To Do At The Beginning Of Your Hair Journey

 The beginning of every activity can be difficult and confusing and same applies to hair care.

These days, there are tons of information floating around on social media which has added to the pressure to have perfect hair and perfect hair journey. This isn’t healthy in any way for a new person. Here are some tips for you when you begin your hair journey.

1] Stick to basic routines or regimen until you are familiar with ingredients, brands, and even techniques. One step at a time will save you from major setbacks. What’s the basic regimen? 

📍Wash at least once a week with shampoo and conditioner and follow up with leave in conditioner and oil.

📍Moisturize and seal daily 

📍 Do a deep conditioning treatment at least once a month. 

When you have mastered this routine, it’s easy to incorporate other techniques and practices into your regimen.

] Focus on the health of your hair first before length. Our desire to see long and flowing hair is good yet healthy hair should be the goal. The reason is when your hair is health, length retention is easier. You may have the length but the hair will be unhealthy thereby causing you to chase after one treatment or the other. 

3] Let videos on Dos and Donts be a priority rather than how to do ABC videos. Know what to do or not do will protect and prevent setbacks. You’ll avid making the mistakes others amaze thereby achieving your goals faster!

4] Lastly, focus on being healthy and more importantly incorporate foods that will boost hair growth and health. Foods that can help repair damaged hair and strengthen end it are more beneficial than products. 


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