Moisture Protein Balance Tips

 Protein treatment is common among newbies from my personal observation because the first tagert is stopping breakage. The idea is strengthening the hair leads to less breakage.

1]Your products may already be balanced: from shampoo to your deep conditioner,you may have protein in the products already.

2] You don't need hard protein all the time. 

3] Weekly light protein may actual be more favorable than hard protein once in a while. The thing sith Baird protein is you must follow up with moisture based deep conditioner. To save time and money, it may be more viable to use light protein often.

4] Don't wait till you need to balance it. If you useoisyire based products, you still need to incorporate protein at least every 3 months even if you have natural hair. Wear and tear may cause some damage and protein can help repair it.


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