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Placenta In Your Hair

Placenta or the popular brand, Placentyne leave in treatment has been with us for ages!  Keratin, which hair is made of, is a strong protein that can break down with sun exposure, wind, pollutants, daily maintenance, manipulation, heat tools, and chemical treatments like permanent color. This is where using protein treatments come in to help temporarily repair the hair strands. Protein treatments are used to add strength and resiliency to damaged hair by attaching hydrolyzed proteins directly to the hair follicle and hardening the cuticle layer. If there are holes in the hair cuticle, it will fill those holes or gaps while also placing a barrier around the hair shaft to lessen further damage. Most protein treatments are conditioning treatments. They can come be a deep conditioner, light, or reconstructor (heavy) (source:  This placenta for hair acts as a protein reconstructor! This means it's a hard protein treatment  and should therefore strengthen y...

The Ordinary Hair Oils

The Ordinary is hyped for the wide range of skin care products but aside the multi peptide hair  serum, the do you know there are oils you can use in your hair? The Ordinary Marula Oil  The Marula oil has a light consistency and absorbs when used on the skin. On the bottle, it can be used as a hair oil too! I'd suggest you use it as a leave on product for sealing in order to trap all the goodness it has to offer! Squalene and Hemi Squalene Oils I, absolutely, adore the Hemi squalene oil as a face oil and even better as a hair oil. These two are great If you have fine strands or thin relaxed hair as they won't weigh down the hair.  The other oils you can use are the chia seed, Moroccan Argan oil and the rosehip oil.   The borage oil is the one oil I'd stay away from. It has a a nauseating smell that doesn't leave your hair even when you use as a prepoo treatment during washing! It's as strong as cod liver oil and that's not something I can tolerate.  Hyaluronic A...

Henna and Indigo Hair Dye Treatment

I contemplated doing either a henna dye or henna and indigo for black dye. At the end, which one won? The Henna Mix I  used about half pack henna, added hot water and 4 tops of the apple cider vinegar to the mix in a plastic bowl. I stirred till all the lumps had been smashed! 2. I covered the henna mix with a lid and allowed it to sit till next day. Early in the morning, I applied the henna and covered with a poly bag and a shower cap. 3. Next, I applied the henna  on dry hair to prevent the treatment from dripping all over.  4. I sectioned the hair into 4 parts and clipped each section.  5. To apply, I resectioned each part for easy application.  I began from the back and worked my way up. The application process took about 20 minutes. I applied to each section twice for full coverage. I paid attention to the ends to prevent tangles too After the application, I covered with two shower caps. I allowed the henna treatment to sit for 4 hours.  I used about half a bucket of water to rin...

Ways To Use Rose Water In Your Hair

1. The easiest is as a hair mist: First, spray into the hair during the day to rehydrate your hair. This replenishes the moisture in the hair.  2. You can also use it at night before covering your hair with bonnet as a final step.  2. For leave in conditioner after wash: You can equally use rose water as a leave  in conditioner. Follow with a butter for  better sealing.  3. Scalp tonic: Add a few drops of essential oils to your rose water and spray on your scalp regularly. It soothes the scalp, helps to promote growth and also works for those with dry and itchy scalp.  4. Lastly, you can use rose water in your herbal teas or Ayurvedic herbal masks. You could also use the rose powder as a hair mask! 

4 Weeks Post Relaxer Wash Day

This is one wash I didn't plan to do but my hair was just absolutely stiff and I didn't want any breakage. Prepoo: Applied creme of nature plex bond mender and followed with Jamaican black castor oil. Shampoo: I used ORS aloe shampoo for deep cleansing. Rinsed and T shirt dried for a few minutes and applied conditioner. The drying is to reduce the water content so the conditioner can penetrate the hair better. Conditioner: John Frieda anti frizz conditioner. Risned out and T shirt dried for about 10 minutes.  Leave in conditioner: I used the Difeel Ultra growth leave in conditioner with Doo gro leave in treatment. Air dried in a bun. I don't like washing my own hair but at this point, I can't visit the salon very often so I'm managing it on my own. The new growth is still manageable too. My chief concern now is to use up every oil that's been in my caninet for more than a year. I'll mostly prepoo with it. For the next couple of washes, I'll be using such...

What Is The Best Protective Style For Your Hair?

There is so much hype about protective styling as well as misconceptions about it.  We have unique genetic make up, texture, strands, density and live in different environment. What will work for me might not work for you. However, there is one particular style that works so well for both natural and relaxed hair. I've seen a lot of YouTubers and bloggers who hardly use extensions yet are able to retain length. Today's post is dedicated to hair buns! I always advise those beginning their hair journey to fall on this protective style for many reasons *Access to your hair and scalp daily *Moisturizing is easier *Less damage to edges *Ability to practice and use different techniques. *Cost effective *Requires less time and effort Another observation is those who use extensions are mainly those who've mastered their routines and know the CORRECT way to use these extensions, especially wigs! Therefore, if you've just started your hair journey, go easy on extensions! When you...

Products For Moisturizing and Sealing

We know moisturizing and sealing is crucial to the success of our hair journey. What are the products to use though aside the oils and pomade?  1. Leave in conditioner : Whether water based or creamy leave in, they provide the moisture needed. 2. Hair Mist: An example is the Cantu hair mist. These are also great products you can use to moisturize. They are best paired with creamy moisturizers or leave in conditioners.  3. Hair moisturizers: These fall into two categories. Water based ones like S curl no drip moisturizer and Hawaiian silky moisturizer also get the job done. However, oil moisturizers are best used after a moisture based leave in. You still need to follow with a butter after using oil moisturizers because moisturizing oils penetrate the strands which might leave the hair dry in a short period of time.  4. Hair milk such as Mielle Organics hair milk definitely helps to keep your hair moisturized. 5. Hair lotions: These fall into two categories; the oil lotions and water ba...

Complex Wash Routine

 What happens when you want to incorporate prepoo, tea rinse, hair mask, and other treatments in one wash? Let this guide you. 1. Choose the prepoo product you want to use. If you want to use oils, apply them and leave them overnight or for several hours. You may use coconut oil or olive oil. If you want to use honey, you can still add oils to it and prepoo. If you want to prepoo with a protein deep conditioner, that will be the first product to use on your dry hair. Some find this method more effective so experiment with it for a while to see if to works for you. You can still add a few oils to the deep conditioner or hair masque and then prepoo with it. When you are done with  the prepoo, shampoo the hair. 2. If your pre shampoo treatment was oils, shampoo the hair and apply your hair masque eg Ayurveda hair masque or store bought masque. If you prepooed with jair masque, then, shampoothe hair and use a rinse out conditioner to reinfuse the moisture depleted as a result of the shampo...

John Frieda Frizz Wash Day!

I'm super excited about the John Frieda anti frizz range and can't wait to use it more! Prepoo: Used creme of nature plex bond mender to prepoo Shampoo: Applied the John Frieda shampoo and washed 2x with it Hair rinse: Applied green tea rinse, left it for 5 minutes and followed with John Frieda conditioner. Leave in: Used doo gro leave in treatment, applied a little Jamaican black castor oil and wore the hair in a wet bun to dry This is the mess I deal with when I don't wear buns!  Overall, I'm extremely deliberate about my wash day now because I've these few months to nourish it before it hits shoulder length. To moisturize during the week, I used a mixture of S curl and Hawaiian silky moisturizer plus a bit of an oil mix! For the most part, I've been wearing my hair in a small bun daily.

Wash Day With Rice Water Remedy Rinse

To wash the hair, I'd contemplated on using green tea rinse but I decided to use the rice water instead to strengthen the hair. Last week,I had severe shedding as a result of *lack of treatment *. I used the creme of nature plex bond mender to prepoo the hair and I experienced little shedding afterwards. I shampooed with African pride 2 in 1 shampoo and conditioner, rinsed and applied the rice wster Revitalising rinse for 5 minutes. I washed it out with cold water and deep conditioned with Difeel Biotin Pro Growth Mask for 7 minutes before washing off with cold water. To dry the hair, I use flexi rods after applying Kinks and Straight hair moisturizer and Jamaican black castor oil. For the next wash, I'll do Moringa tea rinse. Stay tuned for how it is done! To purchase any of these products mentioned, check @emprezzglamhub on Instagram

Reasons Why Your Hair Is Shedding

Shedding is a major concern for everyone. Getting the length you desire can be a daunting task and to lose the length  you've worked  to achieve is equally too painful to bear. What I've noticed is people fail to understand the link between your general health and the health of your hair. What you put into your body affects your whole body, including your hair! Shedding doesn't happen overnight - your hair will give you signs that something is wrong; we don't pay attention until it gets worse! 1. Postpartum shedding: I get this complains a lot and get surprised that though ladies are aware of how having a baby affects your hair, it seems reading about it isn't part of the solution we want. The first thing I urge people to do is to Google their problems. When you have a fair idea of what you are experiencing, you are able to either decide on taking the medical route or self - care route. There are situations that merit a visit to the Doctor's office and if you do...

3 New Year Hair Care Tips

Even as we prepare for the new year, I'd like to share a few things you can do to enhance length retention in the coming months. 1. Clear your stash! Take a look at what has worked or failed and if you have to donate them or repurpose them, do so! You will be able to make room for new ones. Check for expiring ones so you can use them up. Let your wishlist also be very short - you'll be able purchase them faster.  2. Set very simple hair goals - exceeding five goals might be an over kill. The lesser the goals, the better the focus. Whatever goal you set, pay attention to how you'll achieve them. That's key! Essentials like the style you wear, the tools you use and the quality of products will enable you hit your targets faster! Once I limited my goals to three, I was forced to consider the most important things.  3. Don't let youtube be your focus! I love YouTube videos but as a youtuber, I have set certain standards and limits regarding what I watch and who I follow...

Wash Day(Creme of Nature Plex Bond Mender)

There is a lot to share about my wash days at the moment so let's get into it. First, I'm at neck length again (for the last time!). My target is armpit in 2021, God willing.  OK, I've touched up about 3 times this year. The last one was about 2 weeks ago! The next one is at the end of December.  As for washing, I did salon wash from July to early October because I couldn't air dry in a bun, roller sets were the go-to. Currently, I can wear a small ponytail and that's been helpful in my own washing. I'll definitely to for a salon touch up, but for the wash, I'd be doing my own thing these days.  What's new?  For my last wash, I tried new products!  1. Pre shampoo: Creme of Nature Plex Bond Mender. I left it in for 10 minutes and then shampooed the hair.  2. I used the new Cantu TXTR (pronounced texture) oil shampoo - it felt amazing!  3. After rinsing out the shampoo, I followed with curly Chic Rice Water Remedy and left it for 5 minutes (it can be left ...

How To Know If Your Hair Products Are Working?

There are no fast and easy ways to reach your hair goals though there some few things you can do to enhance length retention. After getting the products, the next step is being able to use them to nourish your hair natural or relaxed hair. The challenge usually comes when you can't figure out if a product is working or not. Here are a few guidelines to help : The outcome of your wash day should be such that you hair is soft and manageable. That's the key to a successful wash day! If you are able to style it without difficulties, you are certainly doing something right. How do we get that outcome though? How does your hair feel after using your shampoo? Is it dry? Is it moisturized? Does it tangle up? Does it really clean the scalp and hair? Are you able to comb after rinsing the shampoo? If you end up with soft and clean hair, then the shampoo is OK. If you have tangles and dryness, follow immediately with conditioner or deep conditioner. When you do, does the hair become easie...

Why Your Hair Might Still Be Breaking

When hair keeps breaking, we usually assume it's lack of moisture or lack of protein. I've seen cases where you'd do all the right things and still experience breakage. These factors may explain the cause of your breakage: 1. The hair style choice might be adding a lot of weigh or strain on your strands. After take down, this may weaken the hair and cause breakage. Elaborate hair styles tend to also cause more damage as you try to take it down. Even the way your cornrows underneath your wigs are done  may be the cause of the breakage!  2. Not trimming: Once you set out to get healthy hair, you have to get rid of the damaged hair as soon as possible. Old, damaged hair tends to tangle up a lot causing breakage. No amount of products will restore it hence better cut it off and have healthy hair to work with. 3. Too much moisturizer can cause the hair to be fragile. Although you have to moisturise the hair as often as you can, the quantity of moisturiser shouldn't make the ...