3 Tips To Help You Choose Your Henna

After sharing ways to use henna on your hair, here are 3 tips to help you choose your henna. Since you've decided to dabble in henna, why not check which type is most suitable for your hair.

I learnt a lot from my henna mishap (see here)
Based on these, I'm offering you 3 tips to help you choose your henna
*** Avoid market henna.
Let's be honest here. The market henna is obviously cheap so that's the first place you might be tempted to purchase your henna. What you should know is that there are different sources of the henna. Some are grown in the North, some are imported. It's very difficult to determine the source of your henna as you don't have the expert's eyes.
In addition to this, market henna is quite grainy and leaves a bunch of left over grains stuck in your strands.
It's also difficult to determine if your henna is body art quality. (Sheabutter cottage and urbanmakes.com have awesome henna).
***Be sure you are buying pure henna. Some Hennas are marketed as releasing brown dye, black etc. These aren't pure henna. They have added chemicals which may damage your strands. Read labels carefully.
**** Have enough water on standby: washing out henna is a daunting task that can make or break your hopes Lol. What I mean is you will need a lot of water to rinse out the henna in order to achieve the results you want. Failure to do so will leave you with stained bedsheets, pillows, clothes and more. Aside that, you will be need to ensure that the rinsed out henna flows away if you are using your bathroom else be prepared to do the scrubbing of your life! Getting the stain out will be a manual labor Lol.



  1. Do you think sieving henna from the market will help with the graininess?

  2. abena3:30 pm

    It helps a lot


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