Can You Texturize And Still Be Natural?

Here's another question that comes up in the search terms : Can You Texturize And Still Be Natural?

Texturizers are the first thing naturals who want to loosen their curls temporarily reach for. The misconceptions about texturizers make it difficult for some naturals to accept their texture.
One Sunday morning, a lady sent me an urgent message asking for which and where to get a texturizer to loosen her natural hair a bit, just a bit. Instead of giving her an outright answer, I referred her to this simple analogy. Consider texturizers as the younger siblings of relaxers.
Texturizers, texture softeners all PERMANENTLY ALTER your natural hair. The difference is how long you keep it on to get the texture you want. Sometimes, you may feel that your hair still looks natural but when the new growth comes in, you'll be dealing with two or more textures like a fully texlaxed hair. The end result of texture softners and texturizes therefore means you can't be really natural.


She informed that her stylist and friends claim otherwise. To give her the evidence she needs, I asked her to Google the ingredients in any of the texturizers I had mentioned( I referred to 3 or so in the chat). She called and thanked me( I was very ecstatic) for saving her from making that mistake. She would have been shattered had she taken the texturizer route because she really loves being natural; she just wants manageable natural hair!
The simple answer therefore is that using a texturizer means you aren't natural.


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